“Are ye all right, lad?” The Maclean’s voice sounded closer this time and Conran wanted to tell him he was all right, but was busy trying not to scream in pain. Dear God, he hurt everywhere, but his back hurt the worst.
Something brushed up against Conran’s foot, but he couldn’t see what in the darkness, so was relieved when the Maclean spoke. “That’s you, is it? Damn, lad, ye took a hell of a tumble.” His voice was at the same level as Conran now, and he guessed that the man had dropped to his knees beside him. “I should have warned ye the stairs were uneven and like to trip ye up if ye were no’ careful.”
“I didn’t trip. I was pushed,” Conran hissed through his gritted teeth.
“Pushed?” Fearghas gasped with a new alarm.
“Aye, well, punched in the back, really,” he said grimly. “Either way, I didn’t fall, and the bastard is here somewhere.”
“Damn, he could be creeping up on us as we speak,” the Maclean growled. “It’s bloody dark in here without the torch. I can no’ see a thing, whether we’re alone, how badly ye’re hurt, nothing.”
Conran had no idea where the torch was. He’d dropped it as he fell, and it had apparently gone out. He didn’t bother to say that though; he was busy listening for any sound of someone approaching.
“Can ye stand?”
Conran gave up listening and slowly began to sit up. Everything hurt. His head, his chest, his back, his shoulder, his hip, his knee . . . but he managed to sit upright. Now he just had to stand. Grimacing, he braced one hand on the ground and one on the wall and started to push himself to his feet. His legs were oddly weak and shaky, however. Probably from the shock of the fall, he thought grimly.
“Here.” The Maclean felt around until he found the hand Conran had braced against the wall and drew it up over his shoulder. “I’ll help ye up, son. Just put yer weight on me.”
Conran shifted slowly, bracing his other hand on the wall now to help take his weight as he half pushed himself upward, and was half pulled to his feet.
“Damn,” Conran breathed once he was upright. He was standing, but felt like hell and thought he must have taken a good crack to the head.
“Ye’re none too steady on yer feet, son,” Fearghas said with concern. “Mayhap I should go get some help.”
“Nay!” Conran grabbed his arm to stop him as the man started to shift away in the dark. “If whoever punched me is still here, they could attack ye. It’s better to stick together. I’m fine. I can make it. Just give me a minute to catch me breath.”
The Maclean held his tongue, but Conran could practically feel his concern reaching out to him through the darkness. Fortunately, after taking a few deep breaths, he felt a good deal steadier.
“Let’s go,” he said, shuffling in the direction he thought the stairs must be. A little relieved breath slipped from him when the toe of his boot bumped up against the first step.
“Take it slow and easy,” Fearghas warned, following so closely behind him Conran was sure he could feel the heat from the old man’s body at his back.
“Aye,” was all Conran said. Slow and easy was all he could manage at the moment anyway. At least, at first, but after several steps some of the aches began to recede and he started to feel a little better and began to move more quickly. Dear God, the stairs felt as endless going up as they had coming down, and Conran was just about to ask how much farther the Maclean thought they had to go when he heard his name called. Pausing, he peered up, and noted the weak light creeping around the curving staircase, pushing into the darkness ahead of them.
“Aulay?” he asked, quite sure that was who had called his name.
“Aye,” came the reply. “We heard shouts. Are ye all right?”
“I’ve been better,” he muttered, starting to move again, but warned, “He’s up there somewhere. The bastard punched me in the back and sent me tumbling down the stairs. We’re coming up now.”
“Is anything broken?” Rory asked. “Do ye need help?”
“Nay,” Conran sighed the word, and then said it louder, before adding, “I lost me torch, is all, so we’re moving slowly. We’ll be there . . .” He paused in surprise as he took the next step and realized how close to the top they’d been when the lit torch and a lone figure came into view.
“Rory?” he asked, squinting at the figure as he continued up the steps.
“Aye. Aulay’s checking the passage for yer attacker,” Rory explained his absence.
Nodding, Conran took the last few steps up to the landing in silence, relieved to get off the deadly stairs.
“Ye’re rubbing yer head. Did ye hit it?” Rory asked, holding the torch toward him briefly as the Maclean moved up beside them.
“Aye, and ’tis pounding a bit,” Conran admitted in a mutter.
“Are ye all right?” Aulay asked, coming out of the shadows.
“I’ll survive,” Conran said with a shrug that made him wince. Damn, the bastard had hit him hard. His shoulder was killing him.