“Glen, Whit’s going to sing. Wanna sit this one out and watch him?”

“Of course.” He guided her gently to their table and let her slide in before he took up the protective seat in front of her. They got the waiter to refresh their drinks and Demi had time to inquire about Rudy.

“He’s up and about, even thought to come tonight but the doc overruled that decision. Said he needed a few more days to heal.”

“What does he think of the new physician? Norrie says she’s hard to get to know, keeps to herself.”

“I never saw any of that. She jokes around with Rudy all the time and he likes her. Me too.”

“Good. Oh, Whit’s ready now.” They both watched as Whit made himself comfortable before he began a song.

He’d worn her favorite turquoise and black checkered shirt, and he’d let his hair grow to the longer length she loved. Looking like some famous artist, he could win any woman’s heart. A secret thrill ran through her because she knew who he’d be going home with that night. And who he’d be making love to.

With a voice like warm molasses, he started singing her favorite tune – the one she knew he dedicated to her. He’d told her many times; it was her song.

The words always reminded her of Johnnie, her grandfather, and when he used to sing it to her as a child. Only he’d changed the lyrics for a little girl and Whit sang them to the woman in his life. Listening to the chorus, she sang along. “I thought I’d been kissed, and I thought I’d been loved, but that was… before I met you.”

Lost in the moment, she didn’t see Norrie as she walked past the table, heading to the door.

It was a few minutes later when Whit took a break, ignoring the pleas to stay and sing more songs. He joined Glen and Demi who were deep in a discussion of how they could bring Rudy home for Christmas and didn’t notice his expression.

“What’s up with Norrie?”

Startled, Demi looked around at the last place she’d seen her friend. Except she was no longer there. She surveyed the rest of the bar.

No Norrie.

“I don’t know. I never saw her leave.”

“She went out a while ago without a coat or anything. I kept watching for her to come back but she hasn’t.” While he talked, he stood up and leaned over to grab his parka. Glen did the same. “You stay here. We’ll be right back. I’m sure she just ran over to the store for something.”

“But she wouldn’t have gone that far without her coat. It’s ten below outside.”

Whit held his hand out to stop her from following. “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. I think the ladies at the food table are looking for helpers.”

Before she could argue further, the men left, and she hesitated before doing as Whit suggested. Then she went to the far table where a number of the other women had gathered and began helping them lay out the enormous platters of food.

Soon, caught up in the babble with the others, she stopped worrying about her friend. It wasn’t until sometime later she saw Whit frantically signaling to her from the doorway that she absolutely knew… something terrible had happened.

She rushed to his side. “What’s wrong?”

He made a funny face. “Nothing. Calm down. Just checking to see if she came back.”

“No. She’s not here.” Demi’s apprehension heightened. “Where could she be?”

Glen shook his head, his face troubled. “We checked the store first and nothing.”

When Demi’s expression darkened, Whit came clean. “We’ve looked everywhere, honey. Even ran over to her house, but there’s no sign of her there either.”

She thought about his words. “You say she left without any outdoor clothes. Was there someone waiting for her?”

Whit dropped his head. She knew he was remembering what he saw. Finally, in frustration, he muttered, “Christ, I don’t know. I couldn’t see if there was another person. Maybe there was.”

Glen looked around the happy crowd. “Almost everyone in town’s here tonight.”

“I’ve got a bad feeling. Maybe someone else saw something.” Demi heard her voice break and fiddled with her braid, trying to cover her mounting fear. “Maybe we should ask around.”

Whit squeezed her body close to his. “Baby, this isn’t the big city. Bad things don’t happen around here. She’s likely gone with someone and will be back soon. No need to get upset.”