“I told you before. We keep our mouths shut about those who belong. Not our business… it’s Rudy’s story.”

“Nothing is ever simple.” Demi shook her head sadly and rubbed her eyes as if warding off a headache. “I like him, I do. But IloveGlen. While young Rudy is sowing his oats, he’s doing it with my friend.” She looked into Norrie’s worried eyes and added, “Look, I’ve smelled beer on Glen a few times and that’s not good for him with his past.”

“No. You’re right. Him and alcohol are like a fucking flame to dry kindling. What does Whit say?”

“I haven’t mentioned anything to him. He’s been going through so much lately; I hate to pile more on his shoulders.”

“You mean he hasn’t noticed it himself? That’s not like our guy. He’s usually the first one to pinpoint anything out of place.”

“I know. But he got a call from his surgeon in Miami, and since then he’s been secretive, almost distant… oh, I don’t know. I’m probably making shitpiles from nothing, but I don’t feel like I want to add more on his shoulders.”

“Why, you think he got bad news?”

“I don’t know. He hasn’t said anything specific.”

“Have you asked him?”

“God, no. It’s his business. I can’t go sticking my nose in if he doesn’t want to share.”

“Christ, Demi. If you don’t ask won’t he feel like you don’t give a shit?”

“Jesus… I never thought about it like that. You’re right. I guess I’m so careful not to impose that he might think it doesn’t matter.”

“Lady, you have more barriers around you than anyone I’ve ever met. Getting past those blockades is not easy. Maybe it’s time for you to be the one to reach out.”

Demi thought about those words all the way home. It was one of those blue sky, sunshiny days that sneak up on you and make you feel like life in the north is the most wonderful place in the world.

As she drove along the main highway, she waved to a few other cars and felt like she belonged. Pulling off onto her own road, looking at the snow-filled trees on either side, and the mountains in the distance, her heart swelled with so much joy she could hardly breathe.

She stopped the truck and just sat to look around her. Eventually, she saw a rabbit hop out from the brush and cross the road. Before it got to the other side, two more followed. That drew her eyes to the trees where a deer appeared, nonchalantly chomping the last bits of green off a low branch.

Sighing, she leaned her head back and planned on what she could say to Whit and Glen. Maybe it was best to bring it out in the open between the three of them. After all, they’d been together at the beginning to help Glen solve his addiction.

Making up her mind, she turned the key and when it didn’t turn over right away, she tried again. Nothing but a clicking sound. Suddenly her perfect world became flawed, and she faced a long walk home.

Shrugging, she got herself a warmer sweater for under her parka, a woolen scarf, picked up her mittens and set off up the trail. Trudging along, she didn’t notice the danger until the prickles on her back began to warn her. Looking around, circling in place, she noticed a sudden silence and wondered why.

She kept moving. The frost-laden trees on her left moved and snow fell. It made her nervous as did another sound from behind her. She stopped and looked closer. That’s when she saw them. Three large animals, wild dogs from the look of them, their bodies slunk low as they advanced slowly, their fangs dripping and their growls giving warning.

God help her, she couldn’t move or even scream. All she could do was watch as they slowly advanced, each circling, all wanting to attack. Sweet Jesus. Her knees weakened yet she didn’t dare react.

Her voice gave out, no sounds would be forced through her dry throat. Until with a superhuman effort built from unmitigated terror, she let out one huge scream of panic drenched in anger.

Not today. This beautiful day.


That’s when they all made their move.

And that’s when a huge furious bastard entered the fray and attacked the largest of the pack. The others in the band joined in the battle. Nito’s incensed screams of rage finally got through to her. He was giving her time to get back to the safety of the truck. But she couldn’t leave him one against three.

She spotted a large branch and broke it over her knee. Then using it like a stick she dove into the fray, whipping the weapon back and forth, catching one of the beasts on the back end and the other in the face.

When she turned to deal with the second furry prick, the other came at her arm and she thanked God she’d added more bulk from the heavy sweater. Using her free hand, she drove her fingers into the right eye of the attacker and heard it scream before pulling away.

While she’d been busy, Nito was locked in a battle with the biggest of the pack and was trying his best. She worked her way closer. With the rough end of the stick and shrieking her war cry, she gouged it as hard as she could into the ass end of the stinking dog. Her assault seemed to turn the tide, and he bolted. As if that conveyed a silent order, the others backed away with him and ran off into the woods.

Demi threw down her stick and ran to where Nito lay on his side in the snow, panting… sounds of distress intermingling. He was hurt. Blood was pouring from his shoulder where the other animal’s teeth had ripped his skin. “Jesus, just look at you.” As if he understood, he lifted his head and she saw his pain. “It’s okay, you sweet little bastard. You’re gonna be fine. Demi’s here boy.”