Her worst scenario – what if they found Norrie, and she was dead.

Chapter Thirty-five

“You shouldn’t have gotten into the car. I told you not to.” Loretta Hillside’s voice held censure, but Norrie sensed it covered up her concern.

“You were in a panic. What the hell did you want me to do? Ignore you?” Norrie huffed out a swear word. “Jesus lady, you know I couldn’t do that. You know.” Norrie didn’t put into words the instant attraction they’d both felt the first time Loretta had come to the store, but it didn’t mean it never happened.

Loretta glanced her way and then swung her eyes back to the road. “I don’t want you involved in the danger I’m in.”

“Just explain it to me, and I’ll be the one to make that decision. Look, I can tell you’re terrified. Anyone with eyes can see you shaking like you’ve seen the devil or something equally evil.”

As if she couldn’t help herself, Loretta groaned. “I did see evil and he’s here to kill me. That’s why you need to get out. I’ll drop you at your house.”

“No way. Listen, you can’t just drive around all night. You were coming to the dance to find the Sheriff, let’s go back and get him.”

“No. I thought better of involving him now. Having his death on my conscience would kill me as much as a bullet from the gun he carries to use on me.”

“Okay… sister. Now you have to tell me whoheis and what the fuck is going on. And in the meantime, pull over and let me drive. You’re all over the road.”

Soon, Norrie sat behind the wheel of the SUV and was heading out of town. She listened to Loretta’s story, the woman’s voice cracking more than once in the telling.

“Goddamn, I’m sorry honey. These last three years have been terrible for you.”

Sobbing now, Loretta admitted what Norrie knew must have been hard to say. “I’ve been miserable. It’s been hell living a life foreign to everything you know. I dyed my hair blonde and cut it short. I now wear tailored clothes to look like a man and even had some plastic surgery done on my face. And worst of all, I don’t dare make friends.”

“Tell me about it. I’m still healing from your eyes slicing me to pieces every time I tried to be friendly.”

“I couldn’t take any chances. Not with you, Norrie. I’m sorry. All that I’ve done, giving up everything, my life, my friends and family, and nothing’s worked. That monster’s found me every time.”

“And now you believe he’s come here.”

“I know he has. I saw him in the window at the clinic. He was coming through the front door, and I just made it out the back door in time before he saw me.” Loretta noticed Norrie making a tight turn off the main highway and turned to look at her. “Where are we going?”

“I have a friend who has a cabin out this way. She’s in town at the dance but that’s okay. It’s really isolated, so unless you live around here, you’d never find it. We can hang out there until we decide what to do next.”

“Won’t your friend be upset with us breaking in?”

“You still don’t understand life here. We’re all family. No one would mind us showing up at any time for any reason. Of course, Demi won’t mind.”

Soon, they came around the final turn and saw the light in the distance. Norrie parked the truck at the far end of the area Whit kept clear for their vehicles, and with Loretta sharing her coat, they both ran for the door. Once inside, she rushed to the fireplace where the coals were barely alive. “Brrr. It’s cold in here.” She swiftly worked her magic to get the flames built high. Then she picked up Pearl who emerged from her box where she’d snuggled into the knitted blankie that Demi had made for her.

Loretta stood by the window and stared out into the dark as if she watched for someone following them. Her words thoughtful, she spoke. “They left the door unlocked. Who does that?”

“Most of us don’t lock our doors.” Norrie moved close to Loretta and appeasingly put her hand on the other woman’s arm. “No one’s there, Lor. I watched carefully to make sure we weren’t being followed. We’re safe here. Look, go put the kettle on, and I’ll make us a hot grilled cheese sandwich. Then we’ll decide what our next move is going to be.”

Soon, they were sitting at the table, warmth all around them. They talked about Loretta’s situation, coming to no real solutions but knowing they’d need the law involved. Then they moved on to other things, both sharing their most personal stories, getting to know the other person intimately.

“Tell me something you haven’t told others. One secret you can share.” Norrie wanted to get to know this woman and if it took digging into Loretta’s past, well, she’d do it.

“One. Okay. My real name is Alex Bower. Well Alexandra, but friends have always shortened it.”

“Hmm. I think I’ll call you Lexie.”

Alexandra smiled, lifting the sadness from her features. “Okay.”

Eventually, they nestled together on the couch in front of the fire with a knitted blanket thrown across them both. Norrie had kissed Loretta once, in a caring, unsexual way and smiled when the other woman accepted the sign of friendship as it was intended.

Norrie had no doubt that this woman could become the most important person in her life but for now, they needed to deal with the issues at hand. How to stop this madness?