Sitting up, grinning about her babying him, he did as she directed and then put the bottle on the night table and reached over to pull her down to him. “Come ‘ere. I need you.”

Dropping willingly, she slid into his embrace and joined him in a deep kiss that led to another and another. Soon, they were both undressed. Whit made love to her body… taking much more time than his usual foreplay. He not only touched her everywhere, but his lips followed his hands to make breathing difficult.

He knew she’d sensed his need to be in charge, yet she seemed to enjoy the ride. Once he returned to her lips, she opened herself so he could slip inside.

“Oh, God. I’m finally warm.” His breathy words surprised him because he seldom talked when in the arms of a woman. Yet it seemed important to share his deepest feeling with her… to let her know how very much she meant to him. And how precious life had suddenly become.

Chapter Thirty

Sensitive to having another in the house, trying to keep their noise to a minimum, Demi let him have full access to her body. She writhed with gratitude for his gentleness, for not missing her most sensitive areas.

Normally, she would have expressed herself, especially her delight, but she suppressed the moans without being able to stop her harsh breathing. God, this man could play her body like a fiddle.

Rather than prolonging their passion, she opened to him when her instincts said it was time. Then hearing his soft words uttered with such a depth of feeling, she felt her own body’s response. Explosive hunger took over. She smoldered with heat.

Inside her now, penetrating deeper with each lunge, she undulated from the intensity, shivered with sensations, and surged with swirling quivers. Never before had they reached this height. Both clung forever to each other… to their releases. Neither wanted the shattering thrills to end.

Cuddled together afterward, they each stroked and caressed the other’s body. It was as if they couldn’t get enough of knowing they were together. For Demi, it meant holding Whit safe in her arms. After a short time, he gave her one last kiss, and both slid into sleep. Sometime later, they were awakened by Fred calling out.

Whit jumped up and before he went to answer the call, he slipped into a pair of flannel pants he found over the chairback. After she heard him escort Fred to the washroom and then back to the couch, she knew by the sounds of the howling wind and then the sparks of a newly built fire that there would be time for more sleep. It was still very early morning.

It made sense that the more they rested now, the more energy they’d have to face the coming day and what it would bring.

Laying there, waiting for Whit to return, she listened to the storm still raging and worries erupted about getting the old man the medical help he needed. If it would just stop snowing and the winds could die down, they might be able to dig out and make their way to town.

Before she could go to the window and see for herself how bad it was, Whit returned and slid under the covers with her. “I put the other blanket on Fred and built up the fire. He said he was cold.”

“I tried to do that earlier, but he didn’t want so many covers. I’m glad I left them nearby.” She added, “He went to the bathroom; I heard you help him.”

“Yeah. Poor old guy shook so much; I pretty much carried him back. He’s in bad shape, honey.”

“I figured so. Will we be able to get him to town?”

“Sure, if Clive keeps his promise and comes to clear our road. Then I’d be able to use the truck with the plow on the front.”

“After we dig it out.”

He chuckled. “You learn fast, baby. You learn fast.”

“Gotta. This country doesn’t give out second chances.”

He chuckled again and hauled her close so he could snuggle. “Know what? I’ll help with the breakfast if you help with digging out the truck.”

Giggling, she let him see she was onto him. “You know I’m getting the bad end of the bargain, right?”

“Maybe. But if you work hard, I might let you come into town with us too.”

“Hell. How can a girl refuse.”

Chapter Thirty-one

They woke an hour later to the sounds of Nito’s uproar and the snowplow attacking their parking area. Jumping up, Whit dressed in dry clean clothes and headed for the front door. On the way, he slipped into his boots and slung his parka around him.

“I’ll go and bring Clive in for some coffee and see if he can take Fred with him into town.”

“I’m up. Give me a few minutes, and I’ll get some breakfast ready and the coffee made.”

She whipped around, dressing in warm clothes. After using the brush on her hair, she forced the length into a ponytail she could tuck into her hat. Soon, she had the lights on in the kitchen, the coffee started, and began hustling around, gathering the ingredients for a quick omelet breakfast. She threw slabs of bacon in the cast iron frying pan and hauled out a loaf of homemade bread to be toasted.