Running to the door, she waited to hear footsteps on the porch and opened it just in time for a snow-clad zombie-looking, large man to stumble into the room. Taking the opportunity to leave his post, Nito slid out through the opening and ran off into the night.

Demi’s heartbeats revved up. Her smile of welcome almost split her face. “Whit.” Recognizing his puffy black jacket with the fur hood, she held back from throwing herself into his arms, giving him the room he needed to undress from the wet, icy outdoor clothes.

As soon as he stripped off those heavy things and stepped out of the snow-covered boots, he turned to welcome her embrace. They clung together tightly, both feeling the effects of the fear they’d had to deal with over the last few hours. She kissed him with all the yearning she’d kept under strict control, fretting all evening if she’d ever see him alive again.

They’d known the dangers he’d be facing. And she’d done everything to stop from thinking about them. No matter how hard she’d tried, those horrible worries hovered, trying to take over her emotions. Only a will of steel had kept them from gaining control and turning her into a dysfunctional mass of hysteria.

Of course, having to look after Fred had helped keep her in the moment also. Remembering that problem, she pulled back from Whit’s rising passions and pushed his reaching hands away.

“Wait. Whit. Fred had a heart attack.”

Whit stiffened, his goggle-marked, reddened cheeks whitening. He kept his bad eye closed but the other looked bloodshot and weary. His dark hair was now plastered to his head from the weight of the headgear and his winter beard appeared damp from the ice-hardened collar of his parka.

“What? Are you sure? Is he alive?”

“Yes. Barely. But he’s a very sick man. After you all left, we got into it. I made him face his stupid intolerance, and well… let’s just say he opened up about his past.”

“His past.”

“Yeah. I figured his horrible bias had to have come from somewhere. Anyway, his story… not mine to tell. But after we had it out, he grabbed his chest and slumped over. I gave him aspirins and did everything I could to help him.” She pulled Whit over to the couch where Fred still slept.

“His breathing is shallow, but I think his pulse is stronger. After he had the spell, he seemed so weak, I could barely find a beat at all. You check and tell me what you think.”

Whit leaned over to examine Fred, holding his wrist, searching for a sign of life. “His color is pale, but his lips aren’t blue. Yep, I can feel his pulse. It’s not great, but from the way he drinks, that might be normal for him.”

Whit called out. “Fred? Can you hear me?”

The old man’s eyes fluttered before they concentrated on Whit. “Ru-dy? Is a-alive?”

“So far, yes. We got him to the junction and Clive met us with the plow to take him the rest of the way into the clinic. Clive promised he’d bring the truck here to clear this road sometime in the early morning hours. I’ll take you in then.”

Fred struggled suddenly, trying to sit up and Whit quickly held him down. “Ne-ed to s-see R-udy.”

“You will, old man. But it can’t be for a few hours. It’s still the middle of the night. Get more sleep and build your strength. It’ll be a long trip back to town for you. I don’t want you croaking on me halfway there.”

Fred’s face broke into a slight grin, and he nodded before passing out once again.

Whit pulled the covers over his body, tucking them behind his shoulders. He’d been extremely kind to Fred and knowing how things went down before they’d taken Rudy to town, Demi blessed the man for having such a big heart.

They moved into the kitchen area, and she filled the kettle, thinking to make him some coffee. His hand stopped her as well as the words he spoke.

“No. The only stimulant I want right now is to hold you close so my body can get warm as well as my soul. It’s been a nightmare these past few hours. I wasn’t sure I’d ever see you again.”

He sauntered closer, guiding her toward their bedroom, leaving the door slightly open in case Fred called out.

When he gently pushed her on the bed, her arms clung, bringing him with her. For the first time in her life, her heart beat so fast that her love for this man felt like it might burst a hole in her chest.


At first, they just laid next to each other, both staring, both ensuring the other’s presence was real. Her voice sounded weepy to Whit, not like her usual husky tone. “I never want to live through a night like that one again. It must have been hell out there for you. I could only imagine. And the more I pictured what you probably went through, the worse it got. I truly wondered if you’d come back to me.”

“Hey, the same thought entered my head more than once. I’m no hero, honey. I’ll admit to being terrified the whole time. It’s the worst storm I’ve ever seen and the force of those winds and the driving snow scared the living bejesus outta me.” He started undoing her braid so he could see her red mass fully around her body. Keeping his attention on her hair, his fingers began to sift the curls. He knew this maneuver would mean he didn’t have to look her in the eye… though he sensed she desperately wanted him to.

Leaning forward to kiss her neck, she held him back, his face between her hands. “Look at me. I thought so. Your left eye is bad. Was it the cold?”

Sighing, accepting he should have known better than to pull anything over this witch of his, he let her see for herself, and then leaned in for another kiss. “I hope so. Our vision tended to be non-existent. I’ll admit, the strain eventually wore me down. That vicious wind blew so much snow, I basically felt my way through the trees. Don’t worry, before I go to sleep, I’ll use the drops that the doctor gave me and hopefully it’ll lessen the swelling by morning.”

Demi pulled from his arms and raced into the bathroom, returning with the medication. “You’ll do it now. The sooner the better.”