“Me too. If I hadn’t been able to share messages with you online, I’d have gone crazy. We do need to discuss one thing though.”

“We do? What?”

“Dude, you need spelling lessons.” She laughed so he’d know she teased but it stuck in her mind that it would be a good use of time during the winter. Before she could say more, Whit walked up to them and held out his arms.

Glen left her so he could hug the man, and they all began to talk at once. In fact, they talked all the way home. One of the topics of conversation had to do with Whit’s job for Premiere, a gold project about fifteen miles from Hyder.

“They need you to write up some reports or something. The manager’s called a few times in a panic. Says you’d know what he means, and that they’re relying on you to produce the paperwork as soon as you can.”

“Right. It’s an environmental study about the area. I might not be able to type everything, but I could use the Dragon Program and send him the audio files. Guess I could work on it since I have all my notes. It would keep me busy this winter. I’ll call him as soon as I get settled.”

Eventually, they pulled into town and saw the lights blazing at the Glacier Inn. Whit pointed it out. “Looks like there’s a party going on at the bar.”

“There is. And it’s important. The town was stoked you’d be back in time. Can we stop by for a few minutes?” Glen seemed nervous to ask and Demi, wanting to put him at ease, looked at Whit. “I’d like to if it’s okay with you. No doubt Norrie will be there, and I can catch up with her.”

“Sure. Sounds good.”

Glen seemed to hold Demi back so as if to let Whit go first and they all heard the shouts of welcome the minute he cleared the door.

Demi realized what was happening and turned to grin at Glen. “It’s a welcome home gig for Whit. Your idea?”

“Nope. The town wanted to thank him, especially Tom and his son-in-law Jonas. In fact, all the firefighters who fought with us to save the city are here to pay tribute to him. I was never able to tell you about his part in the fire, but if not for Whit, more than a few of us would have lost our lives during those horrible weeks.”

She grabbed his hand. “I’m so glad you came home safe.”

“There were a few close calls. But Whit saved my ass.”

“Then let’s go party with them and give him the thanks he deserves.”

Once inside, Glen went to find Rudy, and Norrie approached. “Hey, sweet lady. Missed you.”

Demi welcomed the hug and even leaned in so Norrie’s arms could wrap around her more easily. “I missed you too. In fact, I missed my life here. Couldn’t wait to get back.”

“And you brought the hero of the town back with you. I’m glad. For a while I wondered if he’d be coming home.”

“You knew he was alive all along.”

“Had a good suspicion but around here, we’ve learned to respect each other’s wishes. Sorry. I know how hard it was for you. But I did what I thought was right. Guess I misjudged the situation.”

“No. You were being his friend. And he’s been in your life a lot longer than I have.”

“Yeah. Didn’t make it any easier though. Only thing I clung to was the prayer that he’d get better and come home himself. Figured he cared too much to stay away.”

They both looked at the man in question and watched him being surrounded by everyone happy to see him. “He’s a lucky guy.”

“That he is. And he deserves every bit of praise and friendship he’s earned. When you get a minute… you see that short dude next to Whit? His name is Tom. Whit saved his son-in-law Jonas. Ask him what he thinks of your man.”

Chapter Eighteen

Whit didn’t know how he felt about all the praise and thanks he’d gotten the night before, but he did know one thing for certain, both him and Demi were thrilled to be pulling up to the cabin the next morning.

A faint light showed through the semi-dark sky, and it welcomed them back as did the smoke from the chimney and the faint glow of the rising sun just beginning to show over the horizon.

Glen had stayed with Rudy for a few days to give them the place to themselves. He’d pushed himself to get all the chores done so it would be easier for them to settle in. And he’d promised Demi to check in from time to time in case they needed him.

As they walked up to the steps, Demi heard the meowing from the cat perched on the windowsill inside. She rushed forward and stopped dead when she heard growls from nearby.

Nito had seen them arrive and his resentment of the man behind her turned into a vocal warning. He slinked out from around the side of the building, the fur on his neck standing up and his teeth showing in a dripping snarl.