And so, they’d rigged up some deer steak with the sedative, opened the door, and thrown it inside. Then because she had a grocery store to run, Norrie had left her here on her own, saying apologetically and with so much sincerity, “You know I’d never leave if I didn’t have to. There are all kinds of supplies arriving today and with these various local fires, we’re inundated with folks that will be needing groceries.” Norrie’s earnest voice had begged for understanding.

“Of course. You have to leave. You’re already late… so go. I’ll be fine.” Demi had been forced to promise she would do all she could to help the sickly babies.

Zeroing in on the unspoken issue between them, Norrie added, “They’ll find him, honey. Whit’s lived in these forests all his life. If anyone can survive a little fire, he can.”

Shocked that Norrie had hit on the real reason for her worry, Demi shrugged. “You’re right. I know. Once the wolf’s medicine kicks in, and I can safely go inside and retrieve my phone, I’ll keep it close. Damn me for leaving it in the house and not the truck.”

“I’ll text if I hear anything.” Norrie hugged her stiff body and left with a pat and a kiss on her cheek. It was as if the gentle soul hated to leave her and yet had no choice.

For Demi, she couldn’t be alone soon enough. Not one to shed tears in front of others, she made up for it as soon as Norrie’s jeep turned the last bend in the trees.

Then she let loose with all the pent-up worries, fears, and angst she’d buried for hours. God, a woman could only take so much before she needed to release those heavy emotions.

While crying, she searched out more milk to refill the bottle they’d packed earlier. Lifting the baby feline in her arms, she took the utmost care. Seeing the closed eyes of the small animal, her heart swelled as her tears dripped on the tiny body.

She’d be damned if she’d let this little one down. As far-fetched as it seemed, she’d decided that if she kept the kitten alive, then Whit would be alive too.Crazy, right?

Yet, the thought buried itself in her mind and wouldn’t be shaken loose. After a short while, the baby stopped feeding. She gently laid it back into its small box where it curled in the corner of the woolen blanket as if nuzzling with one of its siblings.

Taking a deep breath, she knew she couldn’t put off dealing with her other charge any longer. Since, according to Norrie, another baby needed her attention, she slowly opened the door to a stench that made her hesitate. Christ, that pup must have been sicker than she thought. It had thrown up in multiple places. Between that, plus the shit piles and the pee spots throughout the room, he’d certainly made himself at home.

Moving closer, she saw some of the cause for the animal’s upset stomach. He’d eaten a good portion of the garden veggies she’d brought in the day before. Rather than putting them up on the counter, she’d just left them in the pail on the floor, and he must have decided that onions, beets, and carrots were food.

They were strewn everywhere, mostly with chunks out of them. Even the apples she’d left on the side table in a dish were chewed up. Now the miserable culprit lay on his side, his tongue hanging over its lip.

She approached with a stick and poked him first. When he didn’t retaliate, she moved in closer and crouched beside the body. For the first time, she could actually examine the creature and touch him.

Seeing him like this, she realized he wasn’t as big as her imagination had portrayed him to be. Sure his fangs were deadly, but his body size showed a thinness that made her wonder if his slimness was due to starvation or growing spurts.

Tentatively, running her hands over his body, she felt the soft coat and noticed it had a white fur under the overlying ugly mix of browns and grays. Remembering how it’s mother had seemed to be mostly white and black, she wondered if this fellow would eventually take after her.

Moving quickly, she took out the cream and carefully applied it to the singed paw, feeling sad for the pain it must have endured. Though she didn’t like the animal, she could never stand to see anything suffer.

Following the Doc’s instructions, she bandaged the paw, hoping it would stay on long enough for the medicine to work it’s magic. Since this would have to be done a few more times, she used the cream sparingly

Going to the porch, she brought in the cage Duffy had lent her and quickly set it up as instructed. While she’d been close to the mutt, she’d noticed some movement and wanted the wicked wee beast enclosed before it became fully awake.

Once she had the cage constructed in her bedroom, the only room besides the bathroom that had a door she could close, she returned to the living room. Still not positive that it wouldn’t wake up as she carried it, she picked up the shredded blanket they’d used the night before, wrapped it around its face, and then scooped the heavy mass in her arms.

Almost running, she stumbled to her room and carried him to the cage. Setting the body inside, she locked the cage door, and finally felt safe enough to rest.

According to Duffy, the four-and-a-half-foot height would be too high for the wolf to jump over for at least a few more weeks. And seeing as how the bloody cage took up all the space in the room, there was enough area for the animal to easily move around.

At least until it’s foot healed. Then she’d release it. Deciding to leave that worry for another day, she quickly gathered all the personal items she would need so as not to have to come in and out all the time.

Hesitating at the door, a thought came to her. Maybe this so-called monster baby needed a blanket too. One to snuggle with like the kitten had. Turning her head, she spotted the ragged cover she’d used for protection.

Not realizing her scent would be all over the item, she folded the tattered thing in a bundle and put it in the corner, placed the bucket filled with water inside, and left the room.

Now she could rest.

Chapter One

Finally, Demi felt in control. The wolf pup was safe in a cage with the medication on his singed paw, and the thought that she’d have to do it all again the next day got pushed to the back of her mind. The baby kitten was resting easily with a full tummy.

Now she could finally breathe easy.