Tanner sat forward. “Tell me about it.”

And so she did, holding nothing back. Relief at being able to share made the nightmare fade just a bit more. Maybe she should have been talking about it all along but somehow it seemed weak to admit her failings. But with Tanner, she never had to hide her fears, he just accepted her for who she was.

“Okay. I want to buy that beast a whole cow, never mind a steak. He deserves it even if he did scare the living bejesus outta me.”

“Truth is, he scares me the same way. We’re kind of friends, but he isn’t like a normal pet. Not like the kitten we’re babysitting.”

Just then, as if the cat knew it was being talked about, a loud meow sounded before the baby struggled over the sides of her basket. Falling ass over teakettle, she made a waddling circle in place, and finally sidled up to the man’s leg so she could rub herfluffy gray body against him. Working hard to get attention, she looked up at him with the greenest cat eyes and a look of adoration.

“She’s a real flirt, that one. Loves Glen because he’s always sneaking her bits of food.”

“We used to have a cat this color in one of the foster homes I lived when I was small. I loved that cat. Pearl, that was her name. She’d sneak in and sleep with me.” Tanner reached down to lift the baby onto his lap to pet. Then he changed the subject. “Glen. He’s your newest stray, right? Where is he by the way?”

“In town. He’ll be back soon. You’ll meet him. He’s had it rough, Tanner. Like I told you both on the phone. But he’s come around now, and he’s a great companion. Takes good care of me and the place.”

Demi went to the stove to turn down the soup and gathered her homemade bread and bowls to deliver them to the table. Once she had everything set to her satisfaction, she joined Tanner. “Eat. It’s borscht, a beet soup with beef short ribs. Good, even if I say so myself. I found the recipe in Harold’s book. That’s the old guy I told you about in Vancouver who sold me Blue… the truck outside.”

“Hmm it smells delicious. Harold? Right. You’ve got so many new characters in your life now, it’s hard to keep track.” He sipped the soup. “You’re right. This is delicious. Please send Bella the recipe. She’s become quite a gourmet and recently, decides she loves to cook… well as long as I’m helping her in the kitchen that is.”

Demi gazed into the face of the man who used to cling firmly to his bachelor life and giggled. “She’s domesticated you. I love it.”

“Can’t say I didn’t have a good run before I got caught.”

Laughing with him, she finally sobered and asked, “I heard about the Haboob sandstorm over Phoenix a while ago. Christ, according to the wind speeds, that must have been fierce. I got a warning message on my phone since I’m still on the same number. How long did you lose power for?”

“A few days and it was brutal. Thankfully, we still had lights on and air conditioning at work so most of the days were comfortable. But out on the streets, you could see the toll it’s taken on many of the folks. If our temperatures weren’t so high, it might not have been as bad. But people are going crazy, having to deal with the continuous heat. It’s been nonstop for more than a month.”

“I can’t imagine what it must be like at the shelters.” Her heart dropped for as long as she thought about their situation. “Did you go to a hotel after the storm?”

“Couldn’t. They were all booked. But Stacy called from the Governor’s mansion and invited us to stay with her and Hank. She’s pregnant too and understood that with Bella already suffering she didn’t need to also deal with the heat horror.”

“I’m glad. Bella often talks about Stacy and Hank and their kid. What’s her name?”

“Abbie. Strange thing is, back when Bella first found out her assignment was to be the bodyguard to a five-year-old, I thought she’d shoot me for suggesting her for the job. Said she’d rather face a drugged-up sicko with a loaded handgun. Yet, it didn’t take her long before that precious little girl became one of the most important people in her world. I figure it’s why the thought of us having a baby hasn’t put her over the edge.”

“Sure, parenthood will be a big adjustment but you’re both strong, loving people. I have no doubt that child will be one of the luckiest kids ever born.”

Both stared at the other, both thinking of their own rotten childhoods. But neither put it into words. They’d all been said many years ago and nothing had changed. They’d carry those painful memories for the rest of their lives.

Time to change the subject.

Demi didn’t want to harp, but she’d been waiting for Tanner to get back to her about Whit. Every day, she’d prayed she’d hear from him… that they’d found the missing man. So rather than say it straight out, she hedged. “What else is new?”

Tanner’s expression changed from one with good news to his cop face with information he didn’t particularly want to share. “I found your man.”

“Whit?” Her voice came out much louder than she intended. Sitting back in her chair and trying to be cool, she lowered her tone. “You found him. Then that means he’s alive.” Demi’s happiness almost choked her. And it lasted for as long as she understood one thing. The man hadn’t cared enough to let anyone know… including her.

“Yep. He’s alive but hiding out, which means he doesn’t want to be found. The authorities all know he’s okay. I’m surprised they didn’t pass it on when you enquired.” Anger began to surface, anger at herself for wasting so many prayers on the prick.

“I didn’t personally call them. I relied on Glen for any updates. And Norrie who kept saying she had no idea where he was.”

“It’s the truth. They probably don’t know. I had a hell of a time tracking the man. He’s actually in Miami.”

“Miami?” Surging forward, she almost didn’t ask. But curiosity overcame her fury. “What in the hell is he doing there?” If not for the shock of his announcing the city, she’d have clammed up, hid her hurt, and figured she just hadn’t mattered enough for him to reach out.

In a split instant, his answer took away all that painful negativity.

“He’s waiting for an operation.”