“We better go out to the family room,” I say. I can’t chance my son waking up and eavesdropping on the conversation.

We head over to the family room, and I sit on the couch and take one of the throw blankets we have to cover myself since I’m in shorts and a T-shirt, and I’m shivering. Possibly from worry.

“Your dad knows about Carter,” I say to her and watch her blue eyes round.

“How? Who?”

“Liam. Your dad was worried about him playing against Carter’s team. Liam confided in him about our situation,” I explain.

“I think it’s a good thing Daddy knows. He’s well connected and . . .” She watches me carefully. “Daddy loves Crew. So does my mom. They would never let anything happen to him.”

“I know,” I say, exhaling. She’s so right. “Liam said your dad was going to look into Carter a bit. See if he can find something on him.”

“See, Daddy is looking out for you. I knew he would. This is a good thing, Skylar.”

“You’re right,” I reply, my mind still turning over at a mile a minute with all the possibilities of what this means. “I’m thankful, that’s for sure. I’m dealing with something serious, and I have so many people watching out for me. It means so much.” I squeeze her hand.

“Good, so take a deep breath and enjoy the fact you found a good man,” she says.

“I did find a good man,” I agree.

“And you shouldn’t have to keep your relationship under the radar.”

“I know.”

“Which actually brings me to the reason I came by your room. The gala is next week. I don’t know if you spoke to Liam about going with him. I wouldn’t be offended if you did,” she says.

“Liam never brought it up. I don’t know if he is going, but regardless, I’d feel better sticking to our original plan,” I say to her, which was for me to go with her and for Crew to spend the night in Tribeca at her parents’ place with their house manager Christina watching him.

“That’s totally fine. I’m happy to go together for sure. It’s a great event, and I have some dress options you can choose.”

My mind is reeling over Carter, so it’s hard for me to focus on the gala, but I do because the night is important to Patty, and she’s important to me.

“I can’t wait to see the options.” I smile and then yawn.

“Good, but I’m thinking you may need to wear ballet slippers on your feet. It’s too soon for you to wear stilettos with your recent injury.”

“Thank you. Ballet slippers it is, then.” I nod.

“Okay, get some sleep and don’t worry. Daddy knowing brings me relief.” Whe sighs. We both stand, and she hugs me.

“Good night,” I say.

“I’m just going to make myself a tea,” she says.

“Okay.” I smile. When I walk back to my room, I think of Patty. I don’t know why she won’t take a date to an event or go on more than one date with a guy. I get she’s been busy with school and work, but she must also want a life for herself. Every time I’ve tried to bring it up, she shoots me down, and after years of getting shot down, I begin to worry.

I slip back into bed, but I put my head on the pillow this time and pull the comforter up to my chin. I hate living my life scared to get on Carter’s radar. I’ve kept the secret of Crew’s paternity for so long, hoping it would keep us safe, but now that more people are in the know, I think it’s a good thing because, as Patty said, they all have my back. I just don’t understand why my stomach is turning. Why I fear something bad happening. I hope it’s only my fear and not a premonition.



We are back in Tribeca. This time, we are getting ready for the Mothers Against Drunk Driving Gala Patty’s parents host every year in commemoration of her grandparents who died in a drunk driving accident.

Flynn brought a hairdresser and makeup artist to the apartment to get all of us made up. When I look in the mirror, I don’t recognize the woman staring back at me.

“You look beautiful. Stop acting weird,” Patty says, shrugging her shoulder against mine.