“I’m glad to hear. I know you don’t want my help, but it’s there if you want it. Just consider it. I’ll make you mine officially at some point, so what’s mine is yours anyway.”

“Liam. . . I’m sorry I feel choked up.”

“Gah, I want to take you in my arms and tell you how I really feel,” I say.

“I want that too. And I appreciate your offer, but I have to do this on my own,” she declares. I want to tell her she doesn’t have to do anything on her own again, but I don’t want to push.

“Okay for now,” I concede. “Tell me how dinner was with Rebel.”

“Patty came along, and it was really nice. We drank wine and hung out. I shared a piece of my past with her. I explained why I had the panic attack about Crew staying at her place. She was sweet and opened up to me about her past. We have more in common than I realized.”

“I’m glad you two bonded,” I say. “By any chance, did you tell her anything about Carter Lewis?”

The phone falls silent.

“I don’t want to worry you. I just. . .”

“What is it, Liam?” She sounds nervous, and that’s so not my intention.

“I preferred to have this talk face-to-face, but since I can’t see you, I wanted to let you know Coach. . . Myles was worried about my next game against Carter’s team. He sensed something off.”

“Oh dear.”

“It’s not bad, I promise. You know the whole Sanders clan considers you family,” I remind.

“They’ve been so good to me. Better than my own blood,” she says.

“Myles just wants to make sure you and Crew are safe. Just like I want to make sure. I want to be with you and not have you terrified to be seen with me.”

“I know,” she replies, her tone dipping. It isn’t my intention to pressure her or make her feel bad. I just don’t want her living her life in fear of that asshole.

“Baby, I’m going to find a way to make sure you and Crew are safe. I don’t want you to worry. I need you to trust me. I didn’t want to betray your trust, but I told Myles about you and Carter.”

I hold my breath, waiting for her response.

“That’s okay. I never told Myles and Flynn, but Patty knows, and I trust you, Liam. I’m just scared, and I hate being scared. It makes me feel weak. Crew is my world.”

“I get it. I know how special he is, and I want to keep him safe too.”

“Thank you,” she says, sounding breathy.

“Baby, I don’t want you to thank me. I want to know you’re safe. Go get some rest. I know you have to be up early with Crew.”

“Okay. Night, Liam.”

“Night, baby,” I say. What I want to say is I love you so damn much, but I wait for the right time when she’ll be in my arms.



Patty walks by my room and pauses. “You good?”

I’m sitting up in bed with my comforter pulled halfway up my body staring into space, but my mind is very much focused on my conversation with Liam.

“Define okay,” I reply.

Patty walks into my room and sits at the edge of my bed.