“Mommy,” Crew says, touching my arm. “Liam is a famous hockey player.”

That makes me laugh. “I know he is, sweet boy. Why don’t you tell me how it was skating with Liam.”

I glance at Liam out of the corner of my eye. He’s wearing a blue crewneck sweater that hugs his muscles in all the right places. It also brings out the color of his eyes, but what really catches my attention is the way he watches Crew speak like he is interested and entertained.

“I had the best time. Liam showed me how to skate backward, and I fell on my tush,” he says.

“Oh no,” I gasp.

“I was fine, Mommy. Liam said all the big hockey players fall too. It’s a good way to learn,” Crew states, and he’s so excited and so enamored with Liam. I have to say I feel the hype because I’m completely smitten.

“Glad you had fun, kiddo,” Liam says, and he takes my hand under the table and places it on his lap.

This feels good.

The server brings over our drinks. Both Crew and I order a Sprite. I take a long sip of mine, feeling thirsty.

“Are you my mom’s boyfriend?” Crew suddenly asks Liam. “Because my friend Liam said if you two get married, then you could be my dad, and I can have a famous hockey player for a father too.”

“Crew,” I chide, and my Sprite goes down my throat the wrong way. I begin to cough, and Liam pats my back.

“Actually, I wanted to talk to your mom about that,” Liam answers as I try to clear my throat. I look over at Liam like he’s grown two heads. “Skylar, I want you to be my girlfriend as long as it’s okay with Crew.”

I look over at my son, and he’s bobbing his head. “Mommy, I think you should do it.”


“Sorry, didn’t want to bring things up this way, but since the little guy did, I figured it was my chance.” Liam has the audacity to wince.

It’s not like I didn’t want to make things official. Things have been going so good for us.

A couple walks by, and they recognize Liam. They ask to take a picture with him, and Liam gets up to go stand beside the couple.

“Would you mind?” the woman asks, showing me her phone. “We don’t mean to intrude on your lunch.”

“It’s no problem at all.” I take the phone from her, and Liam gives his signature grin.

The couple thank him profusely, and Liam is the epitome of kind and gracious.

“Your boyfriend is famous,” Crew whispers to me when I sit back down beside him.

“Yes, I know, but I never said he was my boyfriend,” I whisper to Crew.

“Kids in my class also ask girls to be their girlfriend,” Crew explains. “One of my friends is getting married next week. Mrs. Button is holding the ceremony during snack time.”

I smile. “That is very sweet.”

Liam sits back down at the table. “So where were we?” he asks, smiling at Crew and me.

“You asked Mommy to be your girlfriend, but she didn’t answer you,” Crew reminds.

I feel like it’s getting hot in here.

“Skylar?” Liam asks, watching me with anticipation.

I narrow my eyes on him and lean into him. “Not cool asking me in front of my son.”

“He’s my friend now. He’s my wingman. He’s on my side too,” Liam claims.