“You asshole,” she snaps. I realize we’re running on a whole lot of booze and emotions. One of us needs to stop what’s happening right now. The problem is it makes too much sense. Skylar was meant to soar.

“I’m sorry, Skylar.” I shake my head.I need to get out of here.

“Screw you, we’re done,” she replies, and I don’t know if she means it, but I walk away because I’m too drunk to think straight.

Before I leave, I turn around and look at her one last time. She’s talking to Carter and then he takes her in his arms, and she cries on his shoulder. Maybe I had things all wrong. Maybe Carter is a good guy, and I was messed up all along. When I leave the venue, I bump into Jasper. He offers me vodka straight, and I accept. I don’t even remember what happens next because I black out. . .

I thought about walking next door a million times over that summer, but every time I convinced myself I needed to let her go. Then one day, I saw her and Carter kissing. Although it hurt like a bitch, I knew she was better off without me. I was a mess, and I was leaving. I should’ve gotten over Skylar at Westfall. It took me time to heal from David’s death, but in the wake of the aftermath of the accident, she’s the only one who fills my dreams.



Dishing out food to the homeless in a shelter on Christmas Eve is the last place I ever saw myself. Yet it feels good, nonetheless.

“I’m glad you came this year,” Patty says, placing a scoop of mashed potatoes on a plate for a man.

“Your mom got me a babysitter, and Crew is older now. It’s nice to be able to give back,” I admit.

“I can’t believe we are still all wearing our sweaters,” Kevin jokes from beside us.

“Don’t let Dad hear you,” Patty laughs, replying to her brother.

“Ima go get a refill,” Patty says. Kevin offers to help her. Even though those two don’t live in the same city, they are still very much in sync with each other like how you would think typical twins would be.

Liam takes the opportunity to move in beside me. “Hi.”

“Hi,” I reply.

“It’s crazy the two of us are back in a homeless shelter on Christmas Eve together,” he says, but the sadness in his tone pulls on my heartstrings.

“I was thinking the same thing,” I admit, my voice feeling hoarse. When I first saw him at the diner, I felt angry. Like I never wanted to see him again. Then when he came in with Jim, some of my resolve melted. Not that I wanted him, but maybe at some point, I was going to make an effort to at least hear him out. After gnawing on our breakup for years, I recognize we were young and running on a lot of emotion when we broke up. I was there for him, and he kept pushing me away. After everything I had been through in my life, I didn’t want to feel rejected anymore.

“I know this isn’t the right time to talk,” he admits. No shit, Flynn and his coach are only a few feet away.

“It really isn’t,” I agree. “Patty and Kevin just went to get more food, and your coach is right there,” I whisper.

“I just want to say I’m sorry for how things ended between us. I was a mess back then. It didn’t have anything to do with you, and everything to do with the fact I felt unworthy of everything after David died.” His words feel like a blade slowly slicing at my skin.

“Are you doing better now?” I ask, trying to keep my tone even. After that confession, I don’t have it in me to shut him down. Not when his words are a balm that’s healing parts of me that have never been cured.

“It took time for me to feel normal, but I’m better, yeah.” He nods. “I’ll always miss David. I’ll always feel like I should’ve done more for him, but I also know he wanted me to succeed for both of us. It’s crazy, but when I play hockey, I feel him smiling down on me from heaven.”

“I’m sure he is,” I reply, overcome with emotion. “I remember how important it was for him to see you make the Division 1 team.” Liam gets a far-off look on his face, but his eyes twinkle in a way that tells me he’s remembering something good.

“Thanks,” he says and then his focus is back on me. Having those blue eyes watching me with such intensity makes my belly flip. It reminds me of a time I couldn’t get enough of kissing him and being with him. “How have you been?” he asks as he places a piece of beef on someone’s plate. The person thanks him, and Liam says, “You’re welcome,” as he offers the man a warm smile.

“I’ve been busy. Raising a five-year-old boy, working, just usual stuff,” I answer.

“I don’t want to pry, Skylar, but did you finish your undergrad degree?” he asks. Too bad he’s good at math.

I shake my head. “That wasn’t in the cards.”

“Because you had Crew?” he asks.

“I don’t like to think of things in that way. My son is my life, and he brings me a lot of joy,” I say to him, feeling defensive.

“He’s a sweet little guy,” Liam agrees.