“Don’t even go there,” I warn.

“Okay. Okay.” She lifts her hands in surrender. “Just saying, now I know it’s him, you should maybe hear him out.”

She may have a point, but some stubborn part of me won’t have it. What would be the point anyway?



Senior Prom

Me:I can’t go. I can’t do it.

I stare down at my cell. My hands shake, and my forehead is covered in sweat. Ever since David took his life four months ago, I’ve been having panic attacks. My brother waited until my offers came in. When I accepted the offer from Westfall U, he was there. He told me he was proud of me. That I needed to promise him I would go to the NHL and I wouldn’t stop trying to be the best I could be. Then he left me a note, telling me he expects me to still go to prom and live my life. To go to Westfall U no matter what. He threatened to haunt me from the grave if I didn’t. That part caused me to have some maniacal laughs because David was dark, but it felt like he waited for me to be able to move on before he offed himself. The last thing he wrote in his letter was to buy Skylar a nice corsage because she deserves it. The bugger knew I was secretly seeing her and didn’t say anything to me. I wish we spoke more. I wish we had more time.

Skylar:I’m coming over.

I sit at the edge of my bed, wearing the pants from my tux and the dress shirt unbuttoned. I’m gripping my hair as my heart beats wildly.

You can’t expect me to go to prom, David. It’s an unfair request. I’m a mess. It’s only been four months. I’ve barely been able to keep my grades up, and the only reason I have is because I know if I don’t, Westfall U will rescind the offer.

I take slow breaths like the therapist told me to. Mom and I have both been in therapy since it happened. Dad doesn’t think he needs the therapy. He just leaves for work everyday like everything is normal. Only my parents don’t fight anymore. They can barely look each other in the eyes.

After a couple of moments, my bedroom door swings open, and my head swivels to the side. Skylar has charged into my room. She looks stunning in a copper gown that almost matches her hair. Her hair is in soft curls, and she’s wearing makeup. Her green eyes look almost feline but when she stares back at me, I know she isn’t angry. She’s worried. She’s terrified of me falling into some sort of a funk I can’t get out of. She keeps telling me I can mourn David, but it’s important to get out of bed and find purpose in my life. David would have wanted that for me. Dammit. I know she’s right, and I have been getting out of bed. Even on days when the heaviness blanketing me feels like it’s too much.

“Liam.” She sighs, and she kneels in front of me and takes my hands in hers. Her hands feel warm to the touch. I think she’s the only reason I’ve survived this whole ordeal intact. She’s the strongest person I know. She’s been through so much. She’s my warrior princess, making it out of her mom’s home in one piece to become the valedictorian of our graduating class. I knew she would do it too. It’s the only reason I’m going to go to graduation because I always want to be there for her. I never want to let her down.

“I know,” I agree. “I’m almost dressed. Get off your knees. You’re going to ruin your dress.”

“That’s the first and last time I think you’ll ever say that to me.” She snorts.

I shake my head, and a small smile tugs at my lips.

I know I texted her I couldn’t go, but that was my anxiety talking. I’ve calmed down now. I should go. David wants me to live my life. He asked me to make it count for us both because he wasn’t strong enough to fight his demons. The thought makes my heart crack down the center. I push up off the bed. Skylar nods at me, her eyes filled with emotion.

“I can do this,” I declare. “We’re going to have the best time tonight.” I don’t believe my own words, but if I say them, then maybe they will come true somehow.

“Yes, we are,” she agrees, looking into my eyes. She presses a soft kiss to my lips, and I drink in her taste. Her floral scent drives me wild. I’m supposed to take her virginity tonight. I don’t know how I waited this long. The only thing ever stopping me was breaking her heart because she’s been hurt enough in her short life. I couldn’t bear if I was a source of pain to her. The problem is I don’t know how we will continue dating when she’ll be at Brown, and I’ll be here outside of Boston going to Westfall. With my crazy hockey schedule, we’ll never see each other. Skylar deserves so much, but I’m barely getting by right now. Breathing seems like a difficult task. Yet I want to make tonight memorable for her because she deserves this night. She’s worked so hard. She’s risen from the ashes, and I want her to soar. Only I feel like I’ll hold her back.

“Did I say how beautiful you look?” I ask, forcing a smile.

“No.” She blushes, and she begins to button my shirt for me. Then she helps me with the tie, and I’m grateful because my hands are shaking.

Once I dress, we head down to the kitchen. I go to the fridge and get the corsage I ordered for her dress. The white rose with copper sparkles matches her dress perfectly.

“I love it,” she beams, and right now this is what I’m living for, making Skylar happy.

“Good.” She leans in and kisses me like she means it.

“Oh, look at you two,” Mom gushes, walking into the kitchen. She palms her cheeks, and her eyes fill with tears that don’t fall. “Let’s go to the front and take pictures on the porch.”

After all these years, she never supported my relationship with Skylar, but now that David is gone, she doesn’t want there to be a rift between us because of a girl. Even though I know she doesn’t really like the idea of us together, she’s been more than civil.

“Come.” Skylar takes my hand, and we follow Mom to the porch. I even smile for the pictures, knowing this will be Mom’s only time to see a son go to prom. A part of me is doing this for her too. I don’t want her worrying too much when she has enough to deal with.

We pose for Mom, and then our friends arrive in the limo. It’s the last thing I wanted, but I also want to give Skylar the full experience because life is fleeting, and I want her to have everything good.

We say bye to Mom and climb into the limo. We settle in, and my friends pass us a plastic cup filled with liquid.