After cleaning up dinner, I head to the bedroom I share with Crew. I have a pile of secondhand books on a bookshelf he can choose.

“Pick a book and let’s read,” I say to my son.

He chooses a book happily. He brings meThe Little Engine That Could.He really likes this story. We read it together, and then he reads it slowly. He is a bright boy, and I feel so blessed to have him in my life.

When we are done and just hanging out, Patty walks up to our room and leans on the doorpost.

“I can loan you a dress for the gala. It’ll be a fun night. Please come. I know it isn’t until spring, but tickets go on sale, and I want to reserve one for you too,” she says.

“Let me think about it,” I concede, and she squeals.

“That wasn’t a yes,” I warn, rolling my eyes.

“You’re so coming, and I know exactly what dress you can wear.” I turn to look at her because she has clearly lost her mind, but when I do, she winks at me and pushes off the wall and walks away. If there is one thing I learned about Patty it’s that she is stubborn and used to getting what she wants.

“I don’t have a babysitter,” I call after her.

“Maybe I can go sleep at Hunter’s house,” Crew suggests.

I know his friends do all kinds of playdates and sleepovers, but I’m always working, so I never have time to make him plans. There is also the issue that our apartment is small, and we share a bedroom.

“The new education assistant at Crew’s kindergarten would be perfect, and I heard through the grapevine she’s looking for babysitting gigs to make some extra money,” she says.

She picks up Crew from school if I’m running late from work on occasion, but how she finds this inside information out is beyond me.

“You aren’t going to let this go,” I say to Patty like it’s a statement.

“Come on, Sky. This is the first year it’s going to be in New York. It’s a cool experience. You need to come.”

“What is a gala?” Crew asks.

“It’s a fancy party. Mommy would have to wear something really pretty,” I explain to my son.

“I know what you mean. Madison and I read a book like that. But the girl in the book was cleaning a house, not working at a diner,” my son says.

“And what was the name of the book?” I ask him. His love of reading makes me proud.

“Cinderella,” he responds. “Madison wants me to be her Prince Charming.”

I swoon at my son’s words. He’s a good boy, and I want to raise him to be a good man. “So you’re in?” Patty asks, cocking her left brow.

“Looks like this simple girl is about to attend a fancy gala.” I bat my lashes. .

“Yes,” she squeals.

I’m no Cinderella, but I wouldn’t mind being her for a night.



Junior Year High School

There’s a knock on the door. My brows draw together as I sit at my desk doing homework. We never get guests. Like never.

I stand and press my ear to my bedroom door. I’ve learned, over the years, I need to stay in my space and spend as little time as possible with the Pattersons. Tom, my foster dad, watches television and snacks on junk food all day. Mary knits beside him on a chair when she isn’t working over at Walmart. They are not liked by their neighbors and are seen as sort of outcasts. They inherited this house along with a nice sum of cash to maintain it. I feel lucky, though, because I have my own quiet space where I’m not under threat from my mom’s drunken rages. I also don’t have to worry about the slummy guys Mom would bring home. I’m a monthly check to the Pattersons, and they treat me as such. The Pattersons may be seen as outcasts, but I have been accepted at the local high school. I have good friends who I don’t bring home, and I have Liam.

“Hi, dear, how can I help you?” I hear Mary say. Since my room is on the main floor and her voice is high pitched and tends to carry, I hear her crystal clear.