I lower the menu. Skylar looks back and forth between me and the homeless guy.

“Jim, what are you doing here with him?” she asks, and the way she sayshimfeels cold and angry and causes a shiver to roll down my spine.

I’m surprised she doesn’t address me first, but then again, nothing should surprise me when it comes to Skylar.

“He offered to buy me a meal.” Jim shrugs. The fact she knows this guy eases my worry about him being dangerous.

"What do you want, Liam?” Skylar asks, irritation lacing her tone.

“I need a few minutes to talk to you privately,” I reply, watching her with hopefulness. I take her in. Same porcelain skin, tired eyes. She looks completely stressed out.

“I meant what do you want to eat?” she snaps.

“I’ll take the turkey club,” I say.

“I’ll have what he’s having,” Jim says.

She takes our menus, or more like she grabs the menus, and then she’s stalking off.

I go after her.

“Skylar, please. We haven’t seen each other in a long time. Last I knew, you were at Brown. How have you been? Are you in law school?” I ask, even though I know I have no right.

“You do realize you have no right to ask those questions. The only reason I didn’t ask you to leave is because Jim could use a good meal,” she declares.

I smirk. I kind of knew that about her and although I did want the guy to eat something, my intentions were not entirely altruistic.

“You’re a jerk. I see nothing has changed,” she says with a huff and pushes past me.

I follow her. “Sky, please.”

“Don’t Sky me, Liam. Just eat your meal and leave.” With her last words, she deflates.

I leave her and head back to the table.

“So Jim, how do you know Skylar?” I ask the man.

“She’s kind enough to give me money, and sometimes she gives me meals from this place,” he explains.

Of course, she does because Skylar has the best heart, and I took it for granted. I spent so much time worrying about hurting her. Then I broke her heart and mine.

Skylar brings our food and drinks and places the bill in front of me. She turns away before I can get another word in.

Jim and I eat in silence, and then I pay the bill, leaving her a hundred-dollar tip. I also write my number on the bill and ask her to call me.

We get up to leave, and I look around, but I don’t see her.

Jim thanks me for his meal.

“I don’t know what you did to piss off Skylar, but it must be serious,” he says.

“It is,” I admit.

“That girl is so nice. She won’t stay mad for long,” he assures.

“Thanks, man.”

“Thank you for lunch. It’s been a long while since I sat in a restaurant and felt human.” His words cause an ache in the center of my chest..