She nods, but she opens the screen and takes the food from me. I’m rushing to get back home so I don’t even think when I open my front door and run right into Mom.

“I thought I told you to stay away from that girl,” she hisses.

“I told you I wouldn’t,” I snap back at her.

“What the hell is the point of sneaking out the damn window, then? So you can break your neck?” Mom yells.

“So I don’t have to deal with you,” I yell back.

Mom freezes.

I walk past her.

“Get back here, Liam Bozeman. Right now,” she orders.

Only I ignore her, and I head to the medicine cabinet in the kitchen. I grab the extra strength Advil bottle and a cold water bottle from the fridge. I put it in the pocket of my joggers, then I head toward the door.

“At least put on a damn jacket and wear proper shoes,” Mom says like she’s defeated.

“I’m fine,” I say, and I walk out the door.

I head back over to Skylar’s. When she comes to the window, she’s holding her stomach and can barely stand.

“Maybe you need a doctor,” I suggest.

“No, this happens to me sometimes,” she assures.

I climb through the window.

“What are you doing?” she asks, looking confused. I guess she wasn’t expecting me to stay.

I pass her the pill bottle and the water I brought. Skylar swallows a pill.

“I need to lie down,” she says, and she walks back over to the bed and pulls her knees up to her chest. She’s groaning from the pain.

I climb on the bed beside her. “Do you want me to hold you?”

“What?” she asks, turning to look at me.

“Hold you,” I repeat. “You aren’t feeling well, and you’re shivering.”

“Thanks, Liam.”

I wrap my arms around her, and she sighs. “That feels nice.”

I kiss the back of her head.

“There’s never anyone around to care for me when I’m sick,” she admits with her back to me. “Thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me, Sky. I want to always be here for you.”

“I want that too, Liam. Always.”

“Try to close your eyes and rest. I’m here,” I assure her.

She eventually falls asleep, and I wait, holding her in my arms. I can’t imagine she hasn’t been loved until now because everything about her is amazing. My mind wanders, and I suddenly worry about losing her. Is it because my family feels like it’s falling apart, and nothing in my life feels stable? Is it because my brother isn’t well, and I fear losing him? I honestly don’t know. I shouldn’t be scared about losing Sky because she is the one stable thing in my life. It doesn’t make sense, yet I’m scared nonetheless.

I hold her for two hours, and then she wakes up.