Page 126 of Second Chance Player

“Can I help you?” she says to me.

I pinch the back of my neck. “I just want to welcome you aboard. I hope I didn’t offend you this morning. The reason I drank last night was because I caught my girlfriend of one year cheating on me yesterday,” I reveal surprising myself.

Patty frowns and leans back in her chair. “Sorry to hear.”

“Yeah, so I drank a little too much which I don’t do during the season especially not during playoffs and I woke up feeling very off this morning,” I explain. Hoping she accepts my explanation as more of an apology. “She. . . Evie. . .she messed with my head.”

“That sucks I get it,” she assures.

“Oh yeah? Have you had a guy cheat on you? I think it’s a terrible thing to do. My father cheated on my mother, and they got divorced when I was younger. I never wanted to be that guy.”

Now I’m pouring my heart out to my coach’s daughter. Just great.

“Sorry, I’m clearly a mess. I should get out of your way,” I say taking a couple steps back. I bump into another desk and almost fall over. I straighten. “You probably thought hockey players should have grace,” I give her a crooked smile.

She returns it with a sad grin. “It’s all good. I’ve never had a guy cheat on me because I don’t allow myself to get invested in a relationship. It works for me,” she shrugs. Damn she sounds a little like Brett. I wonder if someone screwed her over to the point she didn’t want to date anymore.

“Yeah, well maybe you can teach me how it’s done. I swear I had game in college. You’d think I would be on top of my game now not have my girlfriend. . . ex girlfriend,” I correct. “Cheat on me with an old guy.”

The minute the words leave my mouth I regret it because Patty face morphs into severe sympathy and I hate it.

“Ignore me,” I assure her. “I’ll be fine.”

“I’m taking you out for a drink tonight. You can order a coke. I’ll show you how to have fun without getting attached,” she says shocking me.

“You’re joking,” I say. There must be a catch. “Did the guys put you up to this?” I look over my shoulder to see if they are right behind me. I know them. They are going to worry about me but putting the coach’s daughter up to helping me would be over the top.

“What guys?” she asks looking confused.

I give my head a shake. “Never mind.”

“Just so you understand I’m helping you out as a friend. Don’t go getting any crazy ideas about me,” she says and her blue eyes sparkle.

I pinch my lips. “Definitely not. Your dad literally just warned the entire team to treat you with the highest degree of professionalism, but I don’t see why we can’t be friends.”

“We aren’t friends Evan. I’m just helping you out tonight. You’ll have fun and maybe get your mind of . . . what was her name?”

“I’ve already forgotten,” I grin and nod.

“Good,” Patty laughs.

She passes me her phone. “Give me your number I’ll text you when I’m off work.”

I put my number in her phone.

“We’re just hanging out,” she reminds.

“I get it,” I assure. “Thanks Patty.”

“You got this, Evan.”

Her words somehow feel healing. I don’t need sympathy or my bros trying to make me feel better. I need to get out there and forget about Evie and that’s exactly what I am going to do.