Page 123 of Second Chance Player

“That feels really good. Thanks,” he groans but it doesn’t sound douchey. He’s being sincere.

“You’re welcome,” I answer as I allow my fingers to work down his back. Every inch of his body is defined and when my hands run over his body, I feel jolts of electricity I’ve never felt while treating a patient. I quickly swallow hard and push the thoughts aside. I’m a professional doing my job. After half an hour of massage I’ve worked out most of his kinks including the one’s in his calves. I’ve left his arms for last because of the injury. I ask him to straighten his arm and slowly kneed through some of the tight muscle tissue.

“Agh,” he says.

“Sorry. Does that hurt?” I ask.

‘“It’s my injured arm. It always feels a little painful but what you’re doing is good. I know it will make it feel better latter on,” he explains.

“Okay turn on your back,” I say. I come around to the other side of the table.

I extend his arm to side and slowly work my way down easing the tension slowly.

“Damn you’re really good at this,” he says.

“That’s what I’m here for,” I say with a smile. Working helps me take my mind off missing Skylar and Crew. After I’ve worked his other arm, I ask if there is anything else he needs.

“That’s it. Thanks so much,” he smiles and it touches his brown eyes.

“Get up slowly,” I suggest. “Some people get lightheaded from deep tissue message.”

“I’m good,” he assures, and he sits up.

“Have a good day,” I reply and I turn on my heel and head back to offices.

Evan mutters something but I don’t hear what he’s said because I’m back in my office.

I take a seat at my desk and fill in the notes on his file about the treatment for today. I add that ultrasound therapy may be useful for his arm for next time. I pause and stare into space. Evan’s face enters my mind. Going on looks alone he is so my type. I give my head a shake, but I can’t help thinking of his shoulders, his back and his fine. . . shit I’m not going there. There will be no thinking of Evan’s sculpted fine ass even if he did just complement mine this morning.

The telephone on my desk rings. I look at the time it’s already half past seven which means Jamie and the players will be here any minute.

I answer the phone. “Hello.”

“Hi sweetheart,” Dad’s voice comes through the phone warm and loving.

“Hi Dad,” I say.

“You want to come by my office?” he asks.

“Sure. Do you mean now?”


“Okay coming,” I say.

We end the call and I head over to Dad’s office down the hall. The door is open, but I still give it a light knock notifying him of my arrival since he is looking at his computer screen.

He stands and graces me with one of his wide smiles. We hug and then he tells me to take a seat.

“How are you?” he asks looking concerned.

“I’m great,” I grace him with a wide smile that doesn’t hold clout with dad because he can call my bulshit and he frowns.

“Patty, I’m your father. I know better.”

“I’m fine Daddy. I’m glad to be working. I started early this morning and I’ve already treated a player,” I confide.

“Good. Who was it?” he asks.