Page 112 of Second Chance Player

“Liam, I want to come to you. I saw the video. You’re hurt. I need to take care of you. What you did. . . for me and for Crew.” Her voice cracks, and I know she’s crying. Overcome with emotion.

“It had to be done. I didn’t want that crazy person to ever threaten you or Crew. And I’ll be fine. I’m used to the injuries from playing hockey for so many years.”

“Liam, don’t play this off as something small. I can never repay what you did for me.”

“Lucky I don’t want repayment then,” I reply dryly. “I’m just happy you and Crew are safe. How did Carter react to seeing the video?” I ask, changing the subject. I sure as hell don’t need Skylar in debt to me.

“He flipped the hell out. He stood and started pounding at the table. That scary guy in the corner warned him to sit down. The guy showed him he was carrying a gun, Liam. I’ve never seen a gun so up close before. Carter sat back down. Flynn told him exactly what was going to happen next. Then we gave him time to speak with his lawyer, and we left the meeting room. Flynn threatened to end his career.”

“Was there volume on that video because I may have said a few things that were pretty awful to get Carter so stirred up?” I ask her.

“Flynn didn’t play it on volume, but the actions spoke louder than words. Carter lost his shit and even his big-ass hockey player friends couldn’t contain him,” Skylar reports, and I am aware she is relieved and probably pumped up on adrenaline from her meeting.

I’m also relieved Flynn didn’t play that video on volume. Not that I meant anything I said, but I still feel sick about those words leaving my mouth.

“I’m just glad everything worked out,” I say. I also realize I probably won’t be able to play against Carter’s team ever again.

“I love you so damn much,” Skylar says.

Hearing her confidence does something to my insides.

“I love you too,” I reply. “I should really get ready now to see Dad.”

“Okay, call me when you get back to your hotel.”

“Will do.”

I get ready to see Dad. My stomach is full of nerves. Every time we’ve seen each other in the past years, it’s been awkward. Like we don’t know what to say to each other.

I know a part of the awkwardness was me and my feelings of abandonment where he was concerned.

Now I realize, in a way, we both felt helpless. We both share in our grief. I just hope it’s enough to maybe have a breakthrough in our relationship because there is one thing I know and that’s I want to marry Skylar and adopt Crew, and I would like my family to be there to support me.



I thank the Uber driver and get out of the car. My movements are slow and stilted as it’s hard to move or even breathe with some cracked ribs. I walk up the drive to my father’s modest two story home. It’s an older house with a single garage. The houses are about half the size of the one we lived in in Boston. They are also a lot older looking. The front door opens, and I watch my father’s eyes turn round as he opens the screen door and steps outside.

“Damn, Son, what happened to you?” he asks.

“Long story,” I mutter. “Sorry to show up to your place such a mess.”

My father shakes my hand. “Good to see you, boy. Come inside. And we are fine with whatever state you are in.” At the door is a woman with shoulder-length blond hair and blue eyes. She watches me with tears in her eyes.

“Hi, I’m Sherie,” she says. “These are our sons, Levi and David.” Sherie looks like she must be at least one decade younger than Dad.

My eyes snap to my father.

“He was named after your brother to keep his namesake alive,” he explains.

I nod and look down at the kids.

“Nice to meet you both. I’m Liam.”

“Daddy said you’re a famous hockey player. We see you on TV all the time,” David says.

I look at my father, and his expression is one of embarrassment.