Page 106 of Second Chance Player

My cell rings. Mike’s name lights up the screen.

“We’re good to go. I’m leaving the city now,” I answer.

“See you there,” he says.



The results came back, and they are as expected, conclusive that Carter is Crew’s father. Patty has her mom on the phone as I try to behave like everything is normal for my son’s sake. She filed a restraining order against Carter so he can’t come within five hundred feet of me, but it doesn’t apply to Crew.

“Mom wants to talk to you,” Patty says, passing me her cell.

“Hi, Flynn,” I say, keeping my voice even though my stomach is flipping in a bad way from nerves.

“Hi, sweetie, I’ve got some bad news. Carter has asked a judge for a visit with Crew. Given he doesn’t have a criminal record, the judge has granted the visit for two weeks from today. There will be a social worker along for the visit since we did inform that we worried about Carter’s violent tendencies. . .”

A soft gasp escapes me, and I hold on to my heart, willing it to slow down.

“I have something in the works. I don’t want you to worry. We will probably get Carter off your back for good if it all works out,” she discloses.

“Thanks, Flynn. Thanks so much,” I say.

“I really haven’t done much,” she replies. But she has. She’s done so much.

We end the call, and I try calling Liam. He said it would be easier to reach him by text for the next few days. It’s unlike him not to call, but I get he’s busy with the team this time of year.

I sit down and get ready to watch the Philly game with Crew. He loves seeing Liam on TV. He gets so excited, and it’s completely adorable.

Only when the game starts, we don’t see Liam, and then one of the broadcasters mentions Liam Bozeman has been placed on rest for this game. I give Patty a questioning look, but she shrugs back.

What the hell is going on?



After two rings, my dad picks up the call.

“Hi, Dad.”

“Liam?” he asks, and it sounds like a question. It makes me wonder if he even has my number programmed into his phone.

“Yes, Dad, it’s me,” I reply. I realize his shock has to do with the fact I rarely call. If the team is playing in Chicago, I’ll text him the week before and let him know. I also offer him tickets. He usually takes me up on the offer.

“Sorry, I’m not used to you calling.” He chuckles, and his voice sounds scratchy.

I guess I don’t call all that often, so I can’t blame him for not recognizing my voice. Dad got remarried at some point and had another two kids with his new wife. One of them must be about Crew’s age, and the other might be seven. I don’t ask about them because it feels weird that Dad just picked up and started a new family.

“That’s fine,” I reply.

“Are you playing in town tonight? Did I miss your message?” he asks.

“No, the team is in Philly. I’m in town for personal reasons,” I say. I don’t know why I’m suddenly reaching out to Dad, other than I’ve been feeling like a parent lately. Crew is important to me, and keeping him safe has become my priority. I love his mother and see him as a son, which got me thinking of my parents’ perspective on losing David. As his parents, they must have felt so helpless. I felt helpless as his brother, but as a parent, you want to do everything to protect your child, and if that doesn’t work out, it must be life-shatteringly devastating. Which got me thinking of Dad and how maybe he did run away from me and Mom after David died, but maybe I should’ve reached out more or done more to help him too.

“I see,” he says. “I could come out and see you,” he offers.

“I have some business to take care of tonight, but maybe I can drop by your place tomorrow?” I suggest.