Page 102 of Second Chance Player

I keep myself upright as he stands from the table. He walks up to me and looks down at me, but I know he won’t do anything to me here in the diner.

“Is everything okay?” Bill comes up to us and asks, looking between me and Carter. Then Bill’s eyes light with recognition. “Holy shit, you’re Carter Lewis.” Bill’s voice is the epitome of an excited fan.

“Yes, nice to meet you,” Carter says to Bill.

“This is my place. You mind if we take a picture together?” he asks.

I notice a lot of the patrons watching us. I take Bill’s phone from him. I feel like I’m going to pass out. Whatever adrenaline I was running on has run its course. I just pray my knees don’t buckle as Bill puts an arm around Carter and smiles wide for the picture.

I snap the shot, then pass Bill his phone.

“You’ll be hearing from me, Skylar,” Carter says. He then nods and smiles at Bill before he walks toward the exit. I’m holding my breath, and when he leaves the diner, I fall into the chair Carter just vacated. I’m breathing hard and trying to get my bearings.

“Skylar, are you okay?” Bill asks with concern. “Do I need to call 911?”

I wave him off. “I’m okay. I’m okay,” I say like I’m trying to convince myself. “Just give me a minute.”

Bill looks out the door and then back at me. “Do you know that guy?” he asks of Carter.

“In another lifetime, I did,” I confirm.

“Did he do something to hurt you?” Bill asks because he’s a good man and a good boss.

Bill waits as I contemplate exactly what I should or should not tell my boss. He’s been good to me. He’s made sure my insurance is always up-to-date. He’s understood when Crew was sick, and I couldn’t come to work. He was also an angel with my recent injury.

“He’s Crew’s dad. He didn’t know he had a son because he didn’t want to have anything to do with me when I found out I was pregnant.” Bill hisses and shakes his head. “Now he wants to meet Crew, but he isn’t a good man. I have to protect my son.”

Bill removes the white chef’s hat from his head. “I’m sorry, Skylar. I didn’t realize, and here I was, going off like a crazy fan. I’m happy you told me. I’ll be sure to keep him away from you if he ever stops by again.”

“Thanks, Bill. I do appreciate that.” I realize then that in the past, I tried to keep my life a secret. I was scared to share a part of myself with those close to me. I was wrong because by opening up and sharing with the people close to me, I’ve realized they would go to bat for me, and right now, I’ll take all the protection I can get.

“You go take a minute in the back. I’ll cover for you right now,” he says.

I head to the back. Susy is just finishing her shift. I don’t know who to call first. I don’t want to call Liam because he is on the road, and I don’t want him worrying when he can’t be near us.

I call Flynn instead. She’s at the office, but her secretary puts me through.

“Hi, Flynn,” I say.

“Skylar, what’s wrong?” she asks, sensing the distress in my tone. I also never call her at work.

“He was here. He knows Crew’s name. He hired a lawyer and a private investigator,” I pant.

“Take a deep breath, sweetie. It’s going to be okay,” she assures.

“He wants to meet Crew,” I say, and I break like a fire hydrant that’s spewing water uncontrollably. The tears flow, and my nose runs.

“I don’t want you worrying. We have leverage,” she says.

We talk for a few more minutes.

Then we end the call. She was trying to be reassuring, but I’m still terrified.



I stand beside Crew and Skylar as a technician runs a swab inside Crew’s cheek.