He nods and blinks.

“They’re my family.”

A small smile tugs his lips. “I see.” He seems pleased.

I shift my seat so I can see Myles better. The Sanderses have been so good to me. I need to listen and show my support, but when I lift my head to look around the room, I catch Carter watching me. He’s sitting at a table with a bunch of guys. Maybe teammates. He winks. My breath catches, and I pull my gaze away.

I straighten my spine as I listen to Myles. It’s hard to focus knowing Carter is watching me, but I force myself to listen to his speech, and it is heartbreaking. Patty sits on one side of her mom, and Kevin sits on the other side, and they hold her hand. They’ve been through so much, but they are together. Supporting each other. Loving each other.

“I was going to say something this year about my story, but I don’t have to,” Liam whispers.

“You should go,” I tell him.

Wolfe overhears our back-and-forth. “I’ll sit beside her and watch that Carter doesn’t get anywhere near this table,” he promises Liam.

“Me too,” Evan says.

“And me too,” Kevin adds.

They are all such big guys. I want to laugh, but maybe it’s my nerves.

“Go,” I urge Liam. “I’ll be fine.”

He nods and pecks my cheek. Then he and Devon get up on stage together. Devon talks first. He speaks of a life different from the one he leads today. The truck driver who hit them had been drunk while driving a big trailer. My heart breaks as I listen to how Devon’s life has changed. It seems like Liam is there more for the emotional support of his friend. At the end, Liam says, “Having your life flash before your eyes gives you a lot of perspective. It teaches you what is and isn’t important. It teaches you not to take things in life for granted because it all can be taken away in the blink of an eye. I’m grateful to have walked away from the accident without injury, but my good friend wasn’t. That’s why I want to remind everyone how important it is to drink responsibly. Order an Uber. Watch out for your friends. It may seem like no big deal to get behind the wheel with a little alcohol running through your veins, but it is a big deal. It can be life changing. It can also cause death. So please be responsible.”

My heart cracks down the middle for all the people here tonight affected by a drunk driver.

When Liam sits back down, I peck his cheek. He gives me a pained look that makes his eyes crease at the corners. But a look of understanding passes between us. To me, it says I’m here for you. And when I look back at him, I try to radiate that same support. This man has been through so much in his life. He’s been lonely and broken, but he’s still kind and supportive and has so much love to give.

By the end of the night, I can’t wait to leave the gala. Having Carter there has been a lot for my nerves.

We all leave through the entrance to the gala, and we are waiting outside for the limo when Carter walks up to our group.

“I have rights,” he says. “You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.”

I feel my face pale. Liam is holding my hand, but he doesn’t flinch.

Flynn is standing beside me.

“I heard it through the grapevine you beat the shit out of someone in a bar in Florida last month. Your buddies are trying to cover it up for you. Wouldn’t it be a shame if your GM found out? Or maybe the league?” Flynn cocks her brow as she slips on her leather gloves.

Carter straightens up, but I can tell he’s caught off guard.

“You have yourself a good night,” Flynn says as our limo pulls up.

Liam has me by the arm as he guides us toward the car.

“You should come with us, Bozeman. You can always catch an Uber from my place,” Myles says.

Liam gets in the limo too.

Everyone waits for the car doors to close, and then Patty exclaims. “Mom, holy crap, you are badass.”

That causes Flynn to laugh. “I don’t like when people start with my family.”

“Thanks so much, Flynn,” I say.

“I don’t want you to worry, Skylar, but we do need to come up with a plan. Especially if Carter is going to seek counsel. He does have rights. Let’s meet in the family room in twenty minutes,” Flynn instructs, sounding all business.