“It won’t be our first pajama party, and I think Skylar will want to stay close to Crew tonight,” he explains to Myles.
“Gotcha,” Myles says. “I would also feel protective of my family if there was a threat.”
Liam’s words make my heart feel full, even though I’m terrified. That he understands I need to be close to my son means everything.
“You two try to get some rest. Just go about your days as if everything is normal. If something comes up, we’ll deal with it,” Flynn assures.
“Thank you.” I stand and hug Flynn.
“Don’t worry, sweetie. We love Crew as our own,” Flynn says.
“And we protect our own,” Myles adds, giving my back a pat.
I thank both of them again, and then Liam follows me upstairs. He removes his tux and gets into bed in his boxers and a white T-shirt. With Crew sleeping between us, I feel better knowing he’s safe. I just hope Carter drops this whole thing, even though I know he won’t, and it’s because he’s angry he saw Liam and me together.
Two days after the gala, I’m dropping Crew off at kindergarten and kissing him goodbye. With my heightened anxiety, I decided to go into the school and speak with the principal. She needs to know what’s going on with Carter. They need to be extra vigilant, not allowing anyone but me or Patty to pick Crew up from school. The principal assures me she will update Crew’s teachers. She also explains the top-notch security measures they have in place.
With that knowledge, I leave my son and head over to the diner. I arrive on time for my morning shift and slip into my uniform. I feel like I’m on autopilot as I serve up meals and put in my orders. By lunch, I take a quick break and eat a peanut butter sandwich. I think of Liam. A smile spreads my lips, and then it falls. A part of me feels like it may be easier to break up with him to protect my son, but I know it isn’t a long-term solution now Carter knows Crew exists. Besides, I like the person I am with Liam. I’m reminded of the girl I wanted to be, and working in this diner is no longer enough. I hope to hear back from all those scholarships soon.
When I finish my lunch break, Susy comes into the break room to start her break. “Would you mind taking over table seven for me?” she asks, huffing out of breath.
“Sure thing,” I reply. I use my napkin to wipe my mouth, then I head over to the sink to wash my hands. We always help each other out since there isn’t a time when the place is completely dead on most days, and we don’t want to wait for our sections to clear to take our breaks.
I head over to table seven because I figure I should follow up with Susy’s table first. Only when I come face-to-face with Carter, my heart skips a beat as my body moves into fight or flight.
“Skylar, I was hoping to run into you here,” he says with a wide smile.
“What can I get you, Carter?” I ask. As long as this conversation doesn’t veer toward my son, this will be fine.
“You’re not the only one with access to private investigators. I have lots of money now. I’ve hired a lawyer, and I even know where Crew goes to school,” he says.
My heart slows as my son’s name leaves his lips, and he looks into my eyes, knowing he has instilled fear in me. Only I know he gets off on fear, so with everything I have, I straighten my shoulders and look him in the eyes like what he’s said hasn’t fazed me one bit.
“You made it very clear to me the day I found out I was pregnant you did not want a child,” I say, holding my voice steady. I’m surprising even myself with how sure I come across.
“I thought you’d get an abortion,” he says.
His words cause me to wince.
He presses his lips together, watching me. “I want to meet him.”
“Why?” It spills from my lips before I can contain the word.
“I’m curious.” He shrugs, which isn’t a legitimate reason to me.
“You should walk away and not look back, just like you did all those years ago when I came to you,” I suggest.
He grits his jaw.
“You remember all those stories you told me about how abusive your father was?” I ask, and his eyes narrow. “You damn well know you have a violent streak in you. Better off to keep Crew away from that kind of darkness. It would be the right thing to do, Carter, and maybe just for once, you should try to do the right thing.” I hold his glare, my chin slightly tilted up. I’m no longer the lost teenager who craved love at any cost. I know my self worth, and I know Carter has very unhealthy violent tendencies.
I pass him the bill. He drops a hundred dollars on the table.
“I will get that paternity test, and then I’ll be meeting my son,” he declares.