A dark shadow falls over his face.

“I meant you. Only you, Liam Bozeman.” I poke him in the stomach.

He lowers the cap he’s wearing on his head to make himself look more incognito, and he glances from side to side.

“Good. Because you’re mine now,” he declares, and his words hold promise and cause a shiver to run down my spine. He gathers me in his arms and pulls me flush with his body. “Mine,” he whispers in my ear, and those words don’t only cause me to want to combust on a sexual level, but they mend my heart in ways he doesn’t understand.

We watch Crew running all over the place. I’ve never been able to afford these kinds of activities, and my son is soaking up every exciting minute. We are walking through Antonio’s rainforest when Liam whispers in my ear, “I noticed they have a gift shop with pajamas and stuff.”

“Yeah,” I say because I saw it too.

He looks like he’s hesitating.

“What is it?” I ask him.

“I was thinking. . .” He squints his eyes like he’s worried about my reaction. “That we could go get some pajamas for you and Crew from the shop and maybe you guys can spend the night at my place. I have an extra bedroom all set up for the little guy.”

“Um. . . I don’t know,” I hesitate.

“We can rent the movieEncanto,which I’m thinking I need to see ASAP,and we can have a little pajama party,” Liam suggests.

My jaw falls slack, and my ovaries burst once again. “Liam Bozeman, who are you?”

His features become straight and serious. “I want Crew to like me. I want to bond with him, but if you think it’s too soon. . .”

I reach forward and kiss him on the lips, but I make it fast, considering where we are. “We’d love to come over,” I say. “But you know there probably won’t be any hanky-panky.”

“You inEncantopj’s? You may be too hard to resist.” He smiles. “But I get it. Tonight will be about Crew. We can watch a movie and order some takeout.”

“That sounds nice.” I stare at Liam like he hung the stars, and the thought scares me, but for once in my life, this feels right. Things with Liam feel good. Being back in his bed has shown me he’s the only man for me. That means he’s right. He and Crew need to bond.

We enter a secret passage, and Crew walks up to Liam and takes his hand, and I see the warmth in Liam’s eyes. We walk through the passage and then head to Luisa’s happy place.

Crew isn’t walking, he’s skipping as we make our way through, and when we see everything and arrive at the end, we head to the gift shop.

“Crew, sweetie,” I say. “What do you think of us going over to Liam’s house for a sleepover?”

I wait with bated breath.

“You mean little Liam?” Crew asks.

“Your mom means me,” Liam cuts in. “I thought we could hang out tonight at my apartment and watchEncantotogether. I’ve got a big-screen television, and we could have a pajama party.”

“Will there be popcorn too?” Crew asks.

That makes me laugh.

“We can make popcorn,” Liam agrees, ruffling the hair on his head.

“Yesss,” Crew hisses.

“Let’s pick out some pajamas,” I say to my son.

We walk around the shop. There are different two-piece options for Crew to choose from.

My son chooses the pj’s that have a big picture of Bruno.

“I want this one, Mommy. Maybe if I wear it, I’ll be able to tell the future,” Crew says.