Now I’m headed over to Brooklyn to pick up Crew. I want him to get to know me better, and I want to get to know him because this thing I have with Skylar is special. It hasn’t been that long since we’ve reunited but I know she’s the only woman for me.

I knock on the door and Patty let’s me in.

“Hey,” I greet her.

Crew comes running toward the door. “I’m all ready.”

“You take good care of him,” Patty warns.

Skylar comes down the hall a minute later carrying a backpack.

“Hi.” She smiles.

“Hi,” I say and my heart kicks up pace the way it always does when she is near.

Crew puts on his jacket and boots.

“Ready to do some skating?” I ask the little guy.

He nods his head, bobbing it up and down, and smiles.

Skylar passes me his backpack and another bag with his skates.

“You two have fun. Be careful.” She smiles but I can tell by the squint in her eyes she’s nervous.

“We will,” Crew answers. “Love you, Mommy.”

Skylar squats down so they are the same height and then she gives him a hug.

“Love you too, baby,” she says. I love how caring and doting she is with him.

I grin and she looks up at me. She knows I want a kiss too, but I get why she can’t give me one. I think we need to be having the relationship talk at this point.

“Hold his hand when you’re crossing any streets. And please keep your eyes on him at all times. He may see something interesting and run off,” Skylar warns, talking fast.

“He’ll be fine,” I assure. “Right, buddy?”

Crew looks up to me and nods.

“I’m a big boy, Mommy. Don’t worry,” he says to Skylar.

Skylar’s eyes water. “You are a big boy,” she agrees and her lower lip quivers. I get it’s a big deal she’s trusting me with her son.

“Let’s go have some fun. Maybe Mommy can meet us for a late lunch after,” I say, looking at Skylar.

“That sounds good.” She blinks.

We head out to my SUV and I help Crew get into the booster seat. He buckles himself up like a pro and then we are heading out.

“Are we going to skate at the place outside that Mommy takes me to?” he asks.

“No, bud, we’re going to skate at the arena where my team plays hockey,” I explain.

“My friend Liam’s dad is a famous hockey player,” he says.

“His dad is my friend. We play hockey together on the same team,” I say, looking in my rearview mirror for a brief second. The little guy’s eyes light up.

It makes me smile.