“Fuck yes,” she grunts as she meets me thrust for thrust.
Grunt after grunt escapes me as I groan along with her. I’ve had my share of sex, but no one has ever felt like this. As I drive inside her, I feel like my heart claws inside my chest like it wants to reach out and claim hers. We climax, and then I fall beside her and gather her in my arms. Our chests rise and fall to the beat of our panting breaths.
I reach over and kiss her forehead. I’ve never felt this way before, and a part of me wants to pour my feelings out like a faucet someone forgot to turn off, but I don’t want to scare her off. She’s been through a hard time with Carter, and she’s scared of what all this means. I know I need to take things slow, even though everything inside me tells me to go full blast and claim this girl.
Crew woke me up at six this morning because he was so excited about going to play hockey today, which is why I’m lying on the couch half asleep at nine .
Liam has been away these last few days. He still calls every night after his games, which could also explain why I’m tired this morning. It may also have to do with the fact Liam wanted to have phone sex, so I had to go into the bathroom at half past one last night and get myself off while I told Liam exactly what I was doing to myself. I had turned the bathroom fan on and ran the water for a couple of minutes to drown out the sounds. I felt bad about wasting the water, but when you have a roommate and a kid living in proximity, not much can be done.
Patty saunters into the family room with a grin on her face and then she yawns and stretches out her arms. “Morning.”
“Good morning,” I return. Her yawn is contagious, and I yawn too.
“Someone was up late last night.” She grins mischievously.
My eyes turn round, and I instantly become more alert. “I hope I didn’t wake you.”
“Oh, Liam, you’re so f..in hot,” she groans and then bursts into laughter.
“Omg, you heard?” I feel completely embarrassed.
She nods. “Someone was having fun last night.”
I cover my face and hide behind my hands. “I’m so sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, loser. I’m happy you and your hot hockey man can’t keep your pants on.” She winks and then she makes her way into the kitchen.
Crew is in the bathroom, which makes me grateful.
I follow her into the kitchen and take a mug out of the cabinet. “Things are really good with Liam.”
“I told you he was a good guy,” she replies.
“I know he’s a good guy. . .”
“What’s eating you besides Liam Bozeman?” She snorts.
“Funny.” I shake my head at her. “Maybe we need to be setting you up with one of the guys from the team?”
“Are you crazy? My dad would never go for that. He’s their coach and thinks no one is good enough for me. He would lose his shit if I dated one of his guys.”
“That doesn’t make sense. He himself was a hockey player,” I remind.
“Exactly why he doesn’t want me dating one. Liam is a different situation. You guys knew each other before he became famous.”
“I don’t see how that argument makes any sense,” I say leaning against the counter.
“Anyway, I was out last night with the girls. I hooked up with a guy. He owns a restaurant. It was nice,” she shares. Patty doesn’t have time for a boyfriend, but she does hook up with guys occasionally when she goes out with her friends. She says she has needs that need to be met, but she isn’t in a position to give herself to someone. “The guy was super-hot and such a sweet talker.”
I laugh because Patty is confident and beautiful. She does what’s good for her. She’s my role model.
“Sounds like it was a good time,” I say.
“Trust me, it was.” Her eyes widen. “I’m having a hard time walking today, but enough about me. What’s going on with you and lover boy?” she asks, and then she sips her coffee.