“Thanks, little man.” Liam grins.

Crew takes his coat and hangs it on a chair in the kitchen since he can’t reach the hangers in the closet. It’s adorable.

“Do you want to build Lego with me?” Crew asks Liam.

“I’d love to,” Liam says.

“I think Liam needs to eat dinner,” I cut in. He did mention getting off the bus and coming straight to the hospital.

“I can play a little, then eat,” he suggests.

“I’ll warm it up.” I move with my crutches toward the kitchen.

“Let me help you,” Patty offers.

When I get to the kitchen, her eyes are wide. I know I look a mess in my work uniform that is dirty from my fall on the floor.

“Are you okay?” She watches me like she is inspecting every inch of me.

“I’m okay,” I assure her.

“Go change out of that thing, and I’ll warm the spaghetti,” she shoos me away.

I walk back through the family room and pass Crew and Liam on the floor building Lego. Liam is explaining to him how to connect certain parts to make a base of a plane.

“I’m just going to change,” I inform the boys.

“Okay, Mommy.”

“You need my help?” Liam asks.

I cock my brow, giving him a look.

He gives me a sheepish grin. “I meant because of your cast.”

“You’re a boy. You can’t help Mommy change,” Crew states.

Liam pinches his lips together. He clearly needs to learn to have a filter around Crew.

“Sorry, I just meant I wanted to help her walk with her crutches,” he backpedals with a crooked grin.

Sure he did.

I smile and shake my head. “I’ll figure it out.”

I head back to my room and lean the crutches against the wall. Getting my silly uniform off isn’t a problem. Even getting my leggings off is easy because the hospital had to cut them up to my knee in order to put on the cast. It’s finding something to wear that will fit over the cast that’s the problem. I settle on a pair of baggy cotton shorts. They have a wide leg so it’s easy to slide them over my cast. One look in the mirror, and I gasp. My hair stands up in all different directions. I take it out of the ponytail and brush it through. Then I apply some deodorant since I don’t have time to shower. I put on a little lip gloss.What am I doing?I’m trying to look good for Liam. It shouldn’t surprise me, but it does. I swore off all hockey players, and here I am, making myself pretty for one. Only Liam isn’t playing fair. Ever since he’s come back into my life, he’s been saying and doing all the right things. I can’t believe he came to the hospital and he’s here now. I shouldn’t allow myself to feel the excitement of having him near, but I can’t help it. My body hums, and my belly flips in the best way possible.



Skylar walks back out to the family room on her crutches, wearing a cropped white T-shirt and off-white shorts that barely cover her behind. My heartbeat picks up pace, and my dick stands to attention. Lucky I’m wearing a pair of jeans that holds him in place. Down, buddy. Her creamy legs are on display, and her tits look phenomenal in that top. I bite my lip.

“Liam, is this right?” Crew asks.

I feel bad for ogling his mom, but I can’t help myself.

I have to fight to see what he’s asking me. He’s built the wing for the plane and has attached it.