Somebody needs to hit me over the head with a sledgehammer because I must be dreaming.

“I. . .uh. . .” I wrap my hands around myself.

Crew releases Liam, and Patty takes him to the kitchen to eat something.

“Skylar, just hear me out,” Liam says, holding up a hand and approaching me like I’m a skittish cat. “I’ve majorly overstepped, but I genuinely want to spend time with you and Crew, and it was no big deal. So please don’t fight me on this. The skates were a gift for him. I don’t want money, and the team he’s playing for is well-funded, so the team will cover everything. We just need to have Crew suited up and on the ice by eleven, and it’s in Midtown.”

“I need coffee,” I say, feeling frozen or maybe sleep-deprived.

“I’ve got the pot brewing,” Patty calls from the kitchen. “And I made breakfast sandwiches for you and Crew,” she chimes. How can I be mad at her when she is so good to us?

“I’ve got my car downstairs. If traffic will be kind, we can make it,” Liam says.

There’s no out here, and my son is over-the-hill happy.

I nod. “Thank you.” I look into blue eyes that once had the ability to incinerate me and still do.

Liam smiles, which makes matters worse because man Liam is so much more handsome than boy Liam.

I quickly rush back to my room to pack a bag for Crew. We usually need a change of clothes handy just in case.

When I walk back out of the room, my son is sitting in his chair eating the sandwich Patty made him. He isn’t fussing about his food or tearing it up into little pieces he doesn’t intend to eat. He’s eating big mouthfuls and chewing with a smile on his face.

“This is a good thing, isn’t it?” Patty asks, looking a little frazzled.

I shrug. “Don’t have a clue.” I feel like the rug has been pulled from under my feet, and either there will be a soft mattress or a rock-hard floor to catch me. Only time will tell.

“This is good,” she whispers and blinks.

I quickly chow down the sandwich she made me and gulp the coffee she’s poured me and I feel a little more human, even though the adrenaline pumping through me makes me feel like I could run a marathon right now.

“Good to go?” Liam asks, peeking his head into the kitchen.

He stands and walks over to the door. He puts his boots and jacket back on, and I feel dumbfounded. I get Crew’s jacket on and help him with his boots, hat, and gloves. And then I’m getting my own jacket on. I feel like I’m going through the motions in a state of shock.

Liam grabs the bag with the skates and offers to hold the backpack I have for Crew with his clothes, snacks, and water.

I’ve entered the twilight zone.

“Thanks,” I croak.

I take my son by the hand, and we head out to the elevator and down to Liam’s car.

“Damn, I better run upstairs to get his booster seat,” I say as we are about to leave the apartment building. We are for sure going to miss this practice.

“Oh, I borrowed an extra from my teammate,” Liam says, and I must stare at him like he has two heads because then he says, “What?” and chuckles.

“Do I even know you?” I joke.

Liam walks over to open the back door. He drives some fancy oversized SUV, and there is a booster seat waiting and ready.

“I hope you know how to get him in one of these things,” he says, quirking his lips adorably.

“He uses a regular seat belt,” I explain.

“I was wondering what kind of harness was required to strap a child down.” He laughs.

“We’re good,” I assure him as Crew climbs into the car and sits on the booster.