“With her I am, but what if I screw up again? What if I can’t handle everything I’m feeling, and I hurt her somehow.” My old anxieties rear their ugly head.

“What is this really about?” he asks.

I sigh. “She’s had a difficult life. I don’t want to mess things up for her.”

“But if you don’t take your shot, how will you know if it was ever meant to be?” He raises his brows. I don’t know much about Wolfe’s life, but what I do know is he’s crazy about his wife and kids.

“Thanks, bro,” I say.

“I didn’t do anything, but I have a few ideas if you want to get in her good graces. Now we got to head in and suit up. Are you good?” He watches me carefully.

“I’m okay,” I assure him. “Thanks for listening.”

“This conversation isn’t over. If you wanna win the girl over, I’ll give you some tips.” He winks.

“At this point, I’m willing to do anything,” I admit.

He gives me a look that tells me I’ve surprised him.

“Good.” He claps my shoulder. “Let’s get back in there. We have a game to win.”

We continue to suit up, and I get on my skates. Coach will call us into a huddle in a couple of minutes, and then it’s game time.

It’s not the right time for me to be thinking of the past, but nevertheless, my mind pulls me there. Back to the day I chickened out. I wanted Skylar, but I couldn’t handle what I was feeling. I was sad and broken, and I wanted all my emotions to turn off. My parents’ marriage fell apart, and I lost my brother to suicide. Putting my heart on the line was never easy for me, but if I’m always running away from what I feel, how will I ever have anything worthwhile? I know I feel this way now because I healed. I’m ready to settle down, to give my heart and do everything to make her happy. As we walk through the tunnel, I decide to let my fear go. I put my head in the game. Things move fast on the ice. First period, I get an assist, and second period, I score a goal. When I look up at the ceiling of the arena, I feel David smiling down on me. I usually feel his presence when I play. This time, something inside me says it’s time. Time to put my heart on the line. Time to show Skylar I can be the man she needs. I just hope she’s willing to let me in because if it’s too late I don’t know what I’ll do.



“Mama,” Crew says, patting my face.

“Crew, let’s play with Lego.” Patty’s voice pulls me further from sleep.

“Thanks,” I mumble. I got in after three from a night shift at the diner. Crew was fast asleep in his bed, and I took a quick shower, washed my hair, and crawled into bed. My body’s exhausted, and my bones hurt.

“Mama,” Crew persists.

“Sorry, Sky, um. . . there’s someone here for you,” Patty says.

My eyes shoot open. We never have guests, let alone early on a Sunday morning. If we go out, we meet friends outside of the apartment, and it’s rare I join in on those get-togethers.

“What?” I ask with alarm.

“Hockey, hockey,” Crew begins to chant.

My body goes rigid. I look over at Patty, and her blue eyes are round. Her teeth dig into her lower lip.

“What’s going on?” I sit up in bed. My hair is in a messy bun on my head since I didn’t even have the energy to brush it out after my shower last night.

“I may have given Liam our address when he texted me last night.” She winces.

“You did what? Why would he need our address?” My pitch increases. I’ve gone from dead asleep to adrenaline pumping in mere seconds.

“He’s in the family room. He wants to take you and Crew out. Said something about PeeWee hockey,” Patty continues to mumble, her face still scrunched.

“What do you mean Peewee hockey?” I ask frantically.

She winces. “You know how I asked dad to ask some of the players if they knew about a good hockey program?”