“Mommy already taught me how to skate. I’m fast.” Crew shrugs.

Myles laughs. “We may have a future hockey player on our hands here.”

His words cause me to panic, but I don’t show it, tipping up my lips and nodding instead.

When I look around, everyone is happy and chatting. I take a deep breath, trying to calm myself. He meant nothing by the comment. These people are just here to enjoy their Christmas by wearing the same adorable sweater. It’s an act of unity, making me feel like I may belong here with them.

Myles asks Crew for a high five.

Crew smacks his hand hard and Myles fakes like he really hurt him, which causes my son to giggle.

I see Oli and Sloane, Patty’s aunt and uncle, next. Their daughter Quinn comes over and hugs me, and her brother Hunter waves at me and tucks his hands into his pockets. Everyone is so kind and welcoming that I begin to relax. For a girl like me, having a Christmas like this one is a dream come true. I’m glad Crew will hopefully have fond childhood memories of our times with the Sander clan.

We walk deeper into the apartment. I’m introduced to Sierra and Nils. Patty calls her Aunt Sierra, and the woman gushes over Crew too. My son doesn’t seem to mind all the attention. Sierra is introducing me to her triplets when Crew runs off on me.

“Sorry. I need to catch him. I don’t want him breaking anything around here,” I apologize.

“Go ahead, I remember those days.” Sierra smiles.

I run after my son. He’s laughing as I chase him, and he turns his head and bumps into a man’s legs, causing him to fall back on his tush.

The man turns around, and my breath hitches as Liam reaches down to help my son stand. “Hi there, little man,” he says to Crew. He doesn’t notice me until he lifts his head, and his blue eyes turn round as saucers.

“Skylar?” he says with surprise and then he is looking down at my son again.

Feeling protective, I take hold of Crew’s hand and keep him close, but my son doesn’t like to be confined these days. He prefers to run loose and explore.

Crew pulls at my hand. “Mommy, leave me alone.” I let go of his hand, and Crew takes off to a corner Flynn set up with all kinds of trucks and Lego.

“I have to go after him.”

“Skylar, wait,” Liam calls, coming after me. I don’t turn around, but then I see Patty, and I give her a look that must say I need saving.

“Hi, Liam,” Patty greets him. My brow furrows.

“Hi, Patty,” Liam responds, and he leans in to peck her cheek.

“How do you two know each other?” I suddenly ask. I have a moment of reprieve since Crew has settled in the corner playing with the toys.

“He plays for my dad,” Patty explains, and then she bites her lip, and her eyes widen. “Wait a minute.” She points at Liam with her index finger straight at his chest, and then she points at me. “Your Liam is Liam Bozeman?” she asks, and my cheeks burn.

I can’t even be mad at Patty because I never did mention Liam’s last name. I knew he was in a position of being famous. I didn’t want people to know he was the one who broke my heart.

“Shit,” Patty hisses. “I’m sorry.”

Liam’s lips twist.

“How do you two know each other?” he asks, looking back and forth between us.

“Skylar’s my roommate,” Patty explains to him slowly while she looks at Liam like she is seeing him for the first time, which is clearly not the case.

Liam’s eyes get this intense look like he too is trying to process.

“It’s good to see you, Skylar. I’ve been trying to track you down,” he finally says, turning to me.

Oh dear. I don’t want to be rude or make a scene, but my instinct right now is to run.

“I don’t think we have anything to discuss,” I whisper.