“Mom, I can explain. It’s only this once,” I say, feeling jittery.

“Don’t lie to me, Liam. I get enough of that with your dad.”

“Sorry,” I say.

“It’s not about you being sorry. You’re my son, and I love you. I know you go to the girl next door. The one the Pattersons took in,” she says, exhaling with frustration. “She isn’t good for you, Liam. You don’t know where she came from and what kind of life she’s led and the Pattersons…” She shakes her head. “You know what kind of people they are. This girl isn’t for you.”

My mother is trying to be somewhat political. She wants me dating one of the girls from the wealthier families in the area. Mom came from money. She met Dad at college, and they got married, but he was a scholarship student, and his parents had no money. They were white-collar working-class people, and Mom hated it, which makes no sense because no one held a gun to her head when she married him.

I realize I have two choices.

Stand up to Mom about Skylar because there is no way I will give her up or lie and continue to sneak out, which won’t really work since she is on to me.

“I like Skylar. She’s smart and beautiful. I’m not going to stop seeing her, and maybe you can try not to be so judgy,” I say, walking away. I don’t think she will call me out at this late hour and wake up the whole house. Besides, I don’t think Dad would care I was seeing Skylar.

When I get into bed, my cell lights up. It’s a text from Skylar.

Skylar:Did you get in okay? Saw that you didn’t sneak back into your house.

Me:I’m good. Went over to Jasper’s to play video games. He wants to ask you out.

Skylar:Jasper’s cute.

She’s playing with me now.

Me:Don’t even joke.

Skylar: Lol. Love you. Good night

Me:Love you too

With those last words, I’m able to have a peaceful night's sleep because Skylar is like my balm soothing me.

* * *

The next night, I follow the same routine, but this time, I pack a container of tonight’s dinner, which happens to be roasted chicken and potatoes. I put it in a plastic bag and tie it around my wrist since I need both hands to climb down the water pipe.

I reach Skylar’s window and see her lying on her bed. Her knees are curled into her chest. I tap the window slightly, and she shoos me away with her hand, only I’m not having it. I tap lightly again. She comes to the window looking pale. She opens it but doesn’t remove the screen.

“I’m not feeling well,” she says.

“What can I do?” I ask her.

“Nothing,” she says. “I’ll be fine.”

“You don’t look fine, Sky.”

“Liam, I have my period, and I’m having the world’s worst cramps. I need a painkiller of some sort. Mary is all out, and she won’t go buy some more. I’m in too much pain to walk to Walmart now,” she explains. “I really need to go lie down. I’m sorry. The pain is so bad I feel nauseous.”

“Take this food,” I offer. “And tell me what you need. I’ll go buy it for you.”

Skylar watches me with wide green eyes. “You don’t have to do that.”

“I’m not going to leave you in pain,” I say.

“Extra-strength Advil.” She holds on to her stomach..

“We probably have some of that at home,” I say. “I’ll go grab it.”