“What would you have done if we hadn’t meet? Head home alone?”

She falls silent. Maybe I’ve asked the wrong question or touched on something she doesn’t want to remember.

I say, “It was Thanksgiving, something you humans like.”

“It... Is... I suppose the food will be the same. You know, if you were a human, I’d be recommending turkey breast for your dinner.”

I groan and roll my eyes. “No, I’m not interested in roasted birds.”

“You refuse to call it a turkey.”

Maybe I do. “It sounds a bit too festive to me.”

“Do you not like a good holiday?”

“Too much hassle. I imagine it took your family the whole day to prepare all the food.”

“They enjoy it. It’s a once-a-year thing. Well, that and Christmas.”

I still don’t understand. But anyway... At least it was pleasant at her place for the evening. “You would still enjoy the food there with your family.”

Her mouth opens and closes, not telling me what’s on her beautiful mind. How rude.

I ask, “What would be different, anyway? You didn’t have to offer me a bed. You—“

“Would have been pestered about why I’m still single.” She sighs. “Anyway, I suppose I will try harder, then I won’t have to ask for help next year; after the storm I cause blows over.”

There’s a bitterness in her voice. Maybe she imagines her family getting upset with her. I stare at the hat her grandma bought me, which sits in the bag in my hand. This will be a souvenir I got from this trip. To... remember Silvia by for the rest of my life.

The train howls as it enters another station. There isn’t a lot of time left before I arrive. When the door slides open, she opens her mouth, but I grab her and get off the train, almost running over two beings that are trying to get onto the train.

“What are you doing?” She yanks herself free, but I have her backed against the wall. She sucks in a breath as she looks up at my eyes. “Yuhan...”

“Silvia, tell me your thoughts. Don’t keep them to yourself.”

Her gaze darts to the side. She is clearly hiding something from me.

I clear my throat, urging her to answer. My heart races in my chest and my tail; there is an urge in me to talk, but I shouldn’t.

She says, “What do you want from me? I’m already here, trying my best to send you off on good terms. We are beings from different planets and completely different worlds.”

That has to do with my job and her perception of what I care about, right?

I’m going to pretend that’s exactly the case. I lift her chin, making her look me in the eye. “I think you probably know it before I do, seeing you invited me over. I think you’re my mate, and I think we should stay together. Maybe humans like to celebrate strange holidays, but I can stomach that.”

Her eyes widen at me as if she doesn’t understand what I’m saying. I open my mouth, wanting to say more to convince her, but I know better than to say more. I have to wait, though I hate to. Having the patience to endure awkward and uncomfortable silences is one of the key skills in closing negotiations, which I should be able to do well. Yet...

It’s so tempting when I know I won’t have a lot of chances to ask her.

She swallows. “I don’t understand. What do you mean?”

“Look at me.”

But she keeps staring at the floor.

“Hey, is everything alright here?”

A hulky nekrozzro in a station uniform comes over with a deep scowl. “Miss, do you need help?”