Her cheek turns light pink. It’s so tempting to take a nibble. “I think I did.”
She squeezes my arm, but we’re interrupted by a knock at the door. I flinch and pull the blanket higher until it covers up to my nose, which leaves my toes out in the cold. I’m still naked and that’s not what her family would like to see, even though I’m supposed to be dating her.
Silvia calls out. “What?”
Whoever knocks doesn’t push the door and doesn’t come in. “Nice. It’s time to go shopping now. Get ready. Grandma is already outside waiting for us.”
I blink at Silvia’s mother’s voice. Shopping?
Silvia sighs. “Sure, I’m coming.”
She squeezes my arm again. “Are you in a hurry to leave? To be back on your planet? Company? Your home?”
“Oh, no. I’m not in a hurry.”
My schedule is open. My meeting ended late yesterday, so my company offered the hotel for me to stay the night, which didn’t go as planned. I was supposed to finish the trip today and head back, but I won’t have to be in the office for another day. I have a short break after the work trip, which is even better when I can spend it with Silvia.
Hell, I’d take days off just to stay with her for longer.
She takes a deep breath and lifts her eyebrow at me. “Are you sure about it? Are you really free for the day?”
I swallow. I suppose I really am free, but the way she says it... “Yes? What’s wrong? I can stay with you for a bit longer if needs be. I’ve agreed to be your boyfriend, and it looks like you need some help for a bit longer.”
She lets out the breath and pats my tail. “Okay, you said it and it’s too late to back out by now.”
She says it as if I’m going to regret it. I frown. I wonder what humans do on this day. It’s the day after Thanksgiving. There won’t be piles of food again, right?
“Can you also hold this for me?” Silvia’s grandma hands a heavy-looking shopping bag to me.
“Sure.” I put up a smile, despite both my hands being loaded with a few bags on each side. I reach my tail over to the new bag and wrap my tail around the handle.
“Ah, nice! I knew you would be good at this. Having a tail sure helps!” She gives me a warm smile and turns around to go down the path in the mall.
Silvia’s family is here and everyone is carrying bags with them, which also includes Silvia herself.
She is walking next to me, and she gives a wry chuckle. “I tried to spare you from this, but I guess you like the pain.”
I let out a soft sigh. “This isn’t what I expected.”
The mall is packed to the brim with humans. In the windows of the shops, there are billboards and flyers of things that are on discount.
I nod in the direction of one of the shopkeepers who is giving away coupons. “I know there is a discount, but do we really have to buy all this stuff?”
She snuggles to me. I want to hug her, but I have too much stuff with me. I can’t even tap her with my tail.
She says, “Grandma loves you.”
I suppose so. She bought me a hat even though I tried my best to refuse. Silvia’s family doesn’t seem very well off. More importantly, I don’t need a new hat and I’m not interested in having one.
She glances at the bag with the hat. “It has a dinosaur on it.”
“Does that have any special meaning for humans?”
She shakes her head. “Not really, other than being cute. Maybe she saw the tail and thought of you.”
That might be the case. There’s a faint ache in my chest. While I shouldn’t care about these humans when I’m leaving, it’s hard not to.
I suck in a deep breath when I see that the family has stopped and is waiting for the two of us. We hurry over.