Page 35 of Baiting the Alien

Onner says, “The healer has checked on her and everything turns out alright. You don’t have to worry about that. Nothing is damaged.”

Yes, I know that’s the case, but I still worry about her and I doubt that feeling will fade anytime soon. I need her to be fine before I can think about other things. Even though I know she will wake up very soon, maybe in hours, my heart is still racing and my mind is blank half of the time.

Onner chuckles and I glare at him. There is nothing funny about this.

He clears his throat. “I think you probably understand what it means to be her mate now. From the movies you despise, this is what happens. You can’t stop caring about them.”

I fight myself to not punch him in the face. How dare he compare me to those fictional characters?

He doesn’t seem to care, though. “But it is going to be fine.”

I don’t know how it will be fine when Zoe is still fighting to recover. If only I can make myself leave the bed, then I will teach him a lesson. He thinks that he is a friend when there are no other kuqnils around us and he is getting a bit too comfortable around me.

He peeks at Zoe again. “I think she will understand.”

I don’t know whether she will. “Are you sure?”

“Maybe you have to ask her to make sure. More importantly, are we keeping her on the ship?”

I hiss. “Yes, I’ve told you she is mine and I’m keeping her.”

“Have you asked her?”

I probably should. When she wasn’t where I left her, I almost got a heart attack. I have to make sure she will stay here... Or... make sure I know whether she wants to stay here.

Onner clears his throat again. “Remember to ask. In those movies, the human female will tell you what they think.”

I scowl. “Even when I’m a lot larger than her? And when she has no place to go when we are on the ship?”

“Well,” Onner scratches his ear, “I think that should be how that works. You should do something romantic, too.”

I huff and roll my eyes. Zoe doesn’t find me going to Earth and picking her up as romantic, so... Humans have different tastes and I have no clue what they like.

He chuckles and pats my shoulder. “Or just ask directly before you can screw up more.”

I grunt. All he said was a whole lot of nothing. “Go away and do your work.”

Onner stands from the chair. “Sure, Captain. Are you going with me?”

I stare at Zoe and shake my head. I can’t leave her alone even though we are on the spaceship already and we have set off into the galaxy.

When will she wake up?

Chapter 14


Ouch...Myheadhurts.It feels like I got run over by a truck and my whole body is screaming, so much so I can’t even move.

The last thing I remember is Iechon showing up, then I kicked and tried to get to him, but then...

Hmm... I think I ended up in Iechon’s arms.

After that...

I hate to always be the one getting smacked around by aliens that are a lot larger than me. If only I can be the one smacking those two.

Something hot touches my cheek. I shudder and force my eyes open. Everything is blurry. There is a huge green face right in front of me.