Page 33 of Baiting the Alien

Zoe takes another breath while I hiss at the captain. He doesn’t get to make Zoe talk if she is exhausted or frightened. If he tries something more—

Zoe squeezes my arm, gesturing for me to stay quiet. “Those two tried to kidnap me. I fought them, but...” She gasps again as if she may die from lack of air.

My heart races with hers as if we are sharing the same heartbeat. It hurts me to see her in pain.

She rubs my side. “Iechon arrived just in time and saved me.”


The captain nods. “I see.” He looks at me, then behind me. I follow his gaze to find the others from the Patrol have cuffed the two males. The captain says, “We will handle these two. We have been trying to locate them. They have been left alone for a bit too long.”

I scowl at those two. They are still on the floor, not moving an inch. I would love to think that I’ve smacked them hard enough. But maybe the Patrol team used something on them to keep them down. “Traffickers?”

The captain sighs. “That’s what we believe to be the case. I don’t think these two are the ones behind everything either. But stay safe out there. I know humans are rare, but... Just be careful when you are walking around with one.”

I nod. There have been beings like that. I know a few myself. Not that I like what they are doing, but... “I will make sure she is safe with me.”

Zoe gives a smile. Her eyes are almost closed, but that’s from how tired she is. It must be scary to be captured by two blue males that are both larger than herself.

I hold her closer to me. “I’m sorry.”

The captain clears his throat. “Not trying to interrupt, but we will take care of everything else. Have a nice day and you can leave now.”

I pick her up, holding her in my arms. She wraps her arms around me and gets comfortable in my arms.

Had I not left her alone, maybe nothing will happen. I don’t think those two would make a move if I were there with her.

In my arms, her chest rises and falls. Maybe she has already fallen asleep.

I let out a breath. At least she is safe with me now. I look around in the shop. Most beings are around again. The two blue males who tried to kidnap her are gone. The stool that I broke remains on the floor as the only trace that something happened.

The winged male who I talked to earlier is here. He watches me and Zoe. “Sir, I... I hope everything’s alright?”

That’s not an easy answer. “Do you know what happened?”

He nods. “I saw you fighting them, but I’m too nervous to help. I... I called the Patrol.”

“Thank you.” I glance at Zoe, her cute sleepy face melts me. I think my arms are pretty amazing, but maybe she would rather, or say, she will be better off sleeping on a bed instead. “I don’t mean to create a mess here.”

He shrugs. “A mess isn’t a problem. Maybe you can get her something. As an apology, we should have done better.”

Maybe. But this is a space station, so... some dangers and risks are expected. “I don’t know. I was just looking to get her something new.”

“Give me a moment.” He flies through the aisles and is soon nowhere to be seen.

I guess as long as I get Zoe something that will fit her well, I’ve accomplished what I set out to do...

Chapter 13


Thewalkbacktothe spaceship feels like an eternity. I growl at whoever dares to stand close to me as I make my way through the market again. I have Zoe in my arms and I can’t afford to have anything happening to her.

If only I can keep staring at her face as I walk.

“Hey! Watch out!” Someone growls at me.

I hiss back at them. They should know better when I have Zoe in my arms and they should be able to see that I’m going to need more space.