Page 9 of Alien Santa's Gift

Noelle led the way, chatting merrily about all the holiday treats waiting for us. My crew looked to me uncertainly, shuffling on their hooves. With a subtle nod from me, they dropped their reindeer illusions.

Noelle jumped back with a startled yelp as my comrades resumed their true Yulian forms - seven-foot-tall humanoids with crimson skin and snowy white hair.

“Great googly moogly!” Noelle cried. “You’re not actually reindeer?”

I gave her an apologetic shrug. “Merely part of the tradition, I’m afraid. People expect reindeer, so reindeer they get.”

Noelle’s shock quickly melted into delight. “Well, reindeer or aliens, everyone’s welcome for cookies!” She ushered us enthusiastically into the house.

The delicious scents of vanilla, cinnamon and chocolate soon had everyone relaxed. As we gathered around the kitchen, dunking gingerbread men and sipping cocoa, my wisest advisor, Cupid, shot me exaggerated winks, nodding his approval at Noelle.

I studiously ignored his unsubtle matchmaking efforts, unwilling to examine my growing feelings yet. For now, I simply basked in Noelle’s glow, committing every detail of her, and this night, to memory.

Too soon, the winter sky lightened with dawn’s approach. Though it pained me to leave, our time here was ending.

As the sky brightened outside, I knew my crew was awaiting my word to depart. But leaving Noelle’s captivating company was the last thing I desired.

As if reading my thoughts, she gently touched my hand. “Must you leave immediately? Couldn’t you stay just a little longer?”

My pulse quickened at the hope in her eyes. How could I deny her entreaty, when it aligned so closely with my own heart’s longing?

“Very well,” I conceded with a smile. “A brief extension shouldn’t hurt.”

Noelle’s face lit up beautifully. I called for my team to take our main sleigh back to Yule while I lingered a short while. A miniature replica sleigh remained parked on Noelle’s roof, intended as my personal transport.

Soon it was just the two of us sitting cozily at her kitchen table as morning sunbeams slanted through the curtains. The very air between us seemed alive with possibility in this moment stolen from time.

“Tell me more of your life on Yule,” Noelle encouraged softly. “I want to know everything about you.”

As morning sunlight filtered into the kitchen, I found myself telling Noelle things I had never revealed to another soul. She listened with nonjudgmental empathy that coaxed forth even my most closely guarded truths.

I confessed how heavy the mantle of Santa Claus had become after so many centuries. How the joy and wonder were now often overshadowed by an aching loneliness.

I described life back on Yule - the crystalline cities shimmering beneath sweeping auroras, the great caverns of the workshops where toys were crafted day and night. And how despite being surrounded by my people, I felt isolated in my role as Santa.

Noelle held my hand silently as I shared fears I rarely admitted even to myself - the creeping worry that I was failing at my self-appointed mission. That the tide of greed and cynicism gaining sway on Earth would one day extinguish the flickering light of belief I so depended upon.

With each glimpse into my inner shadows, Noelle accepted me. She saw my doubts but did not withdraw her kindness or faith. And with each small unveiling, I felt my guarded heart align ever more closely with her open and trusting one.

By the time our mugs sat cold and empty, I had revealed more pieces of my true self to this human than anyone ever before. Yet her eyes still regarded me with nonjudgmental warmth. With understanding. And with something deeper I dared not name yet, but which gave me the first fragile taste of belonging I had known in centuries...

Outside, the smaller sleigh awaited to whisk me away. But I pushed thoughts of departure from my mind, determined to fully inhabit this precious time with Noelle for however long our two worlds could remain intertwined.

As our intimate conversation wound down, a new light entered Noelle’s eyes. “Why don’t you spend Christmas Day with me too? I’d love to share more of our human traditions with you.”

My pulse quickened at the invitation I had not dared expect. “Truly? You wish me to remain here and celebrate with you?”

“Of course!” Noelle squeezed my hand, eyes sparkling. “We always cook a big Christmas meal, relax by the tree, and watch movies. Doesn’t that sound fun?”

I nodded, nearly overwhelmed that this compassionate human desired my company for her most treasured holiday.

“It sounds marvelous,” I told her sincerely. “Experiencing Christmas as your people do would be a privilege. If you are certain I won’t be intruding...”

“Not at all!” Noelle assured me. “I was dreading spending the day alone. Having you here will make it extra special.” Her cheeks pinked alluringly.

My own heart swelled. “Then I gladly accept your kind offer. A holiday with new friends is a rare gift indeed.”

Noelle beamed and began eagerly describing her planned Christmas menu and activities. I listened enraptured, awed that someone existed who wished to include me so warmly in her most intimate traditions. I had never felt more seen.