Page 7 of Alien Santa's Gift

We sat that way for several heartbeats, hands lightly clasped, neither pulling away. The sleigh drifted unguided for a moment as Xanther seemed focused only on the point of connection between us.

Finally, I gave his hand a small squeeze, then reluctantly withdrew my own, cheeks warm despite the cold night air. Xanther cleared his throat and gathered the reins once more.

“Er, apologies,” he murmured, eyes fixed ahead. “I became distracted.”

“It’s okay,” I whispered. “So did I.”

We flew on in thoughtful silence through the sparkling nightscape. But my hand still tingled with the memory of his touch.

As we passed over a cluster of homes adorned with massive light-up snowmen and reindeer, I was reminded of some of my favorite Christmas movies. On impulse, I started to quietly hum “Jingle Bells,” one of the first carols I’d learned as a child.

To my surprise, Xanther’s rich baritone chimed in a third below my melody. I faltered for a second, then continued the verse as our voices intertwined in harmony. Xanther shot me an encouraging smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

As the song progressed, our voices grew stronger, bolstering each other. The sleigh seemed to glide smoother and faster with the rhythmic energy of the carol.

On the last ringing “Hey!” I harmonized a high descant note while Xanther held the melody. We held the note together as the sleigh crested a church steeple, ringing the bell atop its spire.

As the last note faded, we laughed together with shared delight. “Well done!” Xanther applauded. “You have a lovely singing voice, Noelle.”

I blushed happily. “As do you! I guess caroling together comes naturally to Santa.”

Xanther chuckled. “Christmas songs are in my blood, it’s true.” His expression grew thoughtful. “Music is yet another wonderful gift your people have given to this season.”

The wind carried notes of “Silent Night” from a neighborhood below. Xanther and I shared a smile, and without discussion began softly singing along, our voices filling the night with cozy harmony.

We soared over the city toward the tallest skyscraper, its pinnacle lit up in red and green. As we banked around it, the sleigh tilted sharply to one side.

I slid across the glossy wooden seat until I bumped up against Xanther’s sturdy frame. I started to shift away, embarrassed, but then I felt the solid pressure of his thigh pressed against mine.

“Oh, excuse me, I...” I stammered, cheeks flaming as I made to scoot back across the seat.

But suddenly Xanther’s hand gently covered my own, stilling my movements. I looked up, startled to see him gazing at me steadily.

“No need to move away on my account,” he said softly.

Heart pounding, I relaxed and allowed my knee to settle more firmly against his. The contact sent a thrill through me even through the layers of our winter clothing.

Xanther gave my hand a light squeeze, then resumed holding the reins, though his other hand stayed resting atop mine. I was hyperaware of his strong thigh aligned with my own as we flew over the twinkling cityscape.

I sneaked a glance at his profile as he navigated deftly around a radio tower. Xanther looked calm and focused, yet a muscle worked in his jaw, hinting at some inner tension. I wondered if he, too, was affected by our close contact in the intimate space of the sleigh.

Giving in to impulse, I leaned my shoulder against his arm. Xanther didn’t pull away. Emboldened, I relaxed against him as we sailed through the starry night.

As we sailed along, I peered around Xanther’s broad frame to get a better look at the reindeer team pulling the sleigh. Most had their heads down, focused on their task. But a few in the back kept tossing their antlered heads and snorting loudly.

“They seem kind of agitated,” I said to Xanther. “Is it because of me?”

He followed my gaze back toward the restless reindeer. “Ah, don’t mind them. A few are simply unused to having an extra passenger.”

Xanther made a clicking sound with his tongue. The reindeer shook their shaggy manes but settled a bit.

“They just need some reassurance that you’re a friend, not a foe,” Xanther told me with an apologetic smile.

I nodded, trying not to take their unease personally. This was their night, their routine, and I was an outsider infringing on their important work.

Sensing my thoughts, Xanther gave my hand a supportive squeeze. “They’ll come around. This is all just very new. Give them time to get used to your presence.”

I leaned into him gratefully. “I understand. I really appreciate you bringing me along. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance.”