Page 42 of Alien Santa's Gift

“Careful with my daughter, now!” her father cautioned in a teasing tone, embracing us both tightly. Behind him, the rest of her family disembarked in a cheerful tumble, their faces flushed from the journey.

I greeted each of them in turn with hearty hugs and handshakes, all decorum forgotten. Noelle’s family radiated such warmth and vivacity that their very presence seemed to enhance Yule’s own inherent colors and light.

“Welcome, welcome, so glad you could come for this momentous occasion!” I exclaimed.

Noelle’s brother clapped me firmly on the back. “Wouldn’t miss my sister’s wedding for the world,” he declared. “Even if it is clear across the galaxy!”

Their awed reactions brought my own homeland to fresh life in my eyes as I led the group on a leisurely tour through the village. Noelle’s young niece clung to my hand, peppering me with questions about magic and reindeer. Her guileless curiosity was a soothing balm to my ancient soul.

My people watched the proceedings with great interest, whispering curiously to each other as the first alien guests to ever walk these icy streets passed by. I knew such an unprecedented event would provide gossip fodder for years to come! But I sensed only open goodwill toward these newcomers, not fear or malice.

Noelle’s mother, Carol, was particularly enchanted by the ornate swirling architecture and shimmering garments being prepared for the ceremony.

“Why, it’s simply magical!” she exclaimed, turning in a circle to admire the whole dazzling scene.

Noelle gave my arm an affectionate squeeze as we strolled behind her enthusiastic family. “I’m so glad you’re all here to share this special time with me,” she said softly, eyes glowing. In her joyful expression, I saw the true union of our peoples reflected back at me.

The morning of the binding ceremony dawned clear and cold, the very air seeming to crackle with crystalline promise. As I dressed in formal robes that glittered down to the fur-trimmed hem, my fingers trembled, fumbling clumsily with the intricate fastenings.

After what seemed an eternity, I was ready. Taking a deep breath to settle my nerves, I made my way carefully along the icy path leading to the ceremonial grove outside town. Our guests were already gathered, murmuring excitedly amid plumes of frosted breath.

I took my place beneath the arching white bower dusted delicately with ice crystals and tried not to shuffle my feet too noticeably. After a few moments that felt like eons, a hush rippled through the assembly. I looked up and instantly forgot how to breathe.

Noelle approached on her father’s arm, resplendent in a gown of ice-white silks that floated around her like liquid starlight. The crystal-beaded bodice complemented the graceful arch of her neck, while translucent sleeves hung to points at her wrists. Her dark hair cascaded freely down her back, adorned only with a circlet of tiny azure blossoms native to Yule.

When her eyes met mine, I saw my own overwhelmed joy reflected back at me. In her dainty hands, she clutched a bouquet of similar star-like winter blooms. Their sapphire hue enhanced the rosy blush blooming on Noelle’s cheeks in the chill air.

Her father kissed her fondly on the forehead before placing her small hand in my own with a supportive wink. “Love and cherish each other,” he instructed gruffly. My throat constricted at the incredible gift of this family’s trust and warmth.

Noelle and I turned together to face the officiant under the archway. As glowing motes of light swirled down around us from above, the human and Yulian guests fell into reverent silence.

The ceremony passed in a blur as we stated our vows, voices resonating clearly across the ice-bound grove. My gaze remained anchored on Noelle’s eyes glistening with happy tears, as though magnetized. Time seemed to slow, suspending us in this perfect crystallized moment.

At the cue of the officiant, Noelle and I exchanged intricately forged rings of ancient meteoric stone. I slid her band gently into place, marveling at the sight. Her fingers trembled ever so slightly as she performed the same ritual for me.

In moments, we were pronounced as eternally bonded before all gathered. Joyful cheers rang out as I drew my breathtaking bride into a deep kiss. The universe felt open with possibility and light as our two worlds collided in blissful harmonic union.

Laughing giddily, Noelle and I sprinted hand in hand back down the ivory path through a flurry of fragrant petals tossed by the cheering assembly. We came together again beneath the colorful garland-strung reception pavilion in a state of breathless euphoria, marveling at our new status as lifelong partners.

As musicians struck up a lilting ballad for our first ceremonial dance, I led Noelle by the hand to the center of the floor. Her ethereal gown shimmered hypnotically as we whirled and glided together in graceful synchrony. Gently cradling her waist, I guided her through sweeping turns under the crystal chandeliers as her skirts swirled lightly at our feet. Noelle’s smile never faltered, her eyes locked joyously with mine.

Too soon, the strains faded away, and we drifted closer beneath the twinkling lights. With a smile, Noelle reached up to brush a wayward snowflake from my hair. I caught her hand and kissed the palm, at a loss for words to express the magnitude of this moment. But no words were needed.

Around us, raucous celebrations were already commencing as Yulians and humans came together, clasping hands and embracing unreservedly. Strangers just hours before, now they mingled like old friends, any sense of division erased in shared merriment. Two worlds had become one family.

As the festivities swirled, I drew Noelle aside into a sheltered alcove beneath the frosted eaves. There we uttered our first private words as husband and wife, speaking in low murmurs with our heads bent close together. No pronouncement or public display could encapsulate the profound intimacy we now shared. Our joined hands said more than any vows.

Presently, we rejoined the celebration, now truly complete. Noelle was resplendent, absolutely glowing beneath the crystalline lights and fragrant garlands. Unable to resist, I kissed her laughing lips again and again.

Watching Noelle’s parents twirl gracefully amid the crowd, her mother’s head resting contentedly on her father’s shoulder, I was struck by a sense of profound rightness. As though this day had reunited vital but missing pieces long sought to make our family mosaic whole.

Eavesdropping on their conversation during a musical interlude, I overheard Noelle’s mother ask her husband, “Have you given more thought to perhaps...moving here someday soon? Being together like this feels so right.”

Noelle’s father nodded, eyes crinkling with joy. “It does indeed. Just say the word, and I’ll start packing our bags!” My spirit soared at their words as I moved quickly away before being noticed.

The days that followed passed in a blissful blur of joyful activities. Noelle’s family remained as honored guests. Their presence awakened parts of me long-slumbering. Never had Yule felt so alive and vibrant.

I sensed Noelle’s parents’ growing attachment to our planet with each passing day. It seemed a perfect mirror to my own profound bond with their daughter and kin. Together, bit by bit, we were crafting new traditions and connections without boundaries.