Page 3 of Alien Santa's Gift

Xanther laughed, a deep belly chuckle that perfectly suited his imposing frame. I couldn’t believe THE Santa Claus was standing here in my yard, answering my questions. It was a Christmas miracle!

I waited eagerly to hear more, thrilled that I’d bought myself a little more time with this astonishing visitor.

As Xanther answered my rapid-fire questions, I found myself growing increasingly distracted by just how attractive he was.

I mean, he was Santa Claus, an alien from another planet! I should have been focused solely on his fascinating revelations. But my gaze kept drifting over his muscular frame, barely contained by his signature red suit.

Now that the initial shock was wearing off, I realized he looked nothing like the plump, bearded grandfathers I was used to seeing depict Santa. Xanther was well over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and bulging biceps evident even under the padding of his coat. His smooth, unlined red skin was strangely compelling, and his tousled mane of white hair framed striking features that seemed hewn from granite. No beard could hide his strong jawline.

Had Santa always been this hunky? Maybe the shapeshifting had something to do with his stunning appearance. Xanther had said this wasn’t his true form. But why choose to appear on Earth looking like a Norse god crossed with a superhero? Not that I was complaining. Far from it.

As he continued explaining life on planet Yule, I greedily drank in every detail: his thick red forearms peeking from rolled-up sleeves; those alert white eyebrows arched in amusement; his gleaming white hair falling across his unlined crimson forehead; the way his black leather gloves stretched taut across his large hands.

Had anyone ever told Santa he had dreamy eyes? Somehow I doubted it. Though maybe Mrs. Claus...hmm, did an alien Santa even have a missus? So many questions still remained.

I realized Xanther had paused and was gazing at me expectantly. Oh, no, had he asked me something? I flushed, embarrassed at being caught not paying attention.

“Sorry, could you repeat that?” I stammered.

Xanther smiled. “Getting sleepy, are we? I suppose it is quite late for you humans to be up and about.”

“Yes, late! That must be it,” I agreed, seizing the excuse gratefully. But sleepiness had nothing to do with my mental drifting. Helplessly, I snuck another surreptitious glance at those broad shoulders, the unruly mane of white hair, the beefy biceps...

Wow. Santa really was freaking hot.

Chapter Two


As I patiently answered another of Noelle’s enthusiastic questions, I felt an unfamiliar sensation come over me. Here I was, revealing truths about myself and my home world that I’d strived to keep secret for centuries. Yet this curious human compelled me to open up in ways I never had before.

Back on Yule, I tended to keep to myself, focusing solely on the toy workshop and Christmas preparations all year long. I ventured to Earth only on this one special night, avoiding direct interaction with humans. Shapeshifting into the Santa form they expected allowed me to move among them undetected.

But now, standing in this young woman’s snowy yard in the wee hours of Christmas morning, decades of solitude seemed to melt away. I found myself captivated by her warm brown eyes, so full of lively spirit. Her excited questions stirred a forgotten joy within my weary soul.

What was it about Noelle Winters that pierced my guarded exterior and made me long to stay here conversing until the sun rose? Perhaps after centuries of secrecy, some deeply buried part of me yearned to be truly seen for who I was.

Yet being seen also meant being vulnerable in a way I wasn’t accustomed to. Especially by a human. A human woman. One whom, I was startled to realize, I found quite appealing in both mind and form.

Such forbidden attractions were new to me. Yulians lived solitary lives, with few intimate relationships. But something in Noelle’s gentle laugh, her flushed winter skin, the shape of her lips as she spoke, stirred unfamiliar feelings I did not understand. I felt a stirring in my loins that I’d never felt before. I wanted her in a way I had not experienced… no, I needed her. My mind flashed to the dirty things she could do with those sweet lips.

I knew my time here was limited; the busy night still stretched before me. But those deliveries could wait a few moments longer. The thought of leaving this sparkling human’s company filled me with unexpected regret.

So I lingered, allowing her questions to light up parts of myself I had long forgotten. And I wondered if perhaps solitude was not the only path my ancient heart could follow.

“Why do you do all this?” Noelle asked, eyes shining with wonder. “Coming to Earth, delivering presents each year...what made you start?”

I considered the question thoughtfully. In truth, there were complex reasons and ancient secrets behind my annual visitations that I could not fully reveal. Not yet, and perhaps not ever.

But gazing into Noelle’s hopeful face, I offered a version of the truth I sensed her generous spirit could accept.

“Your people have brought such joy to the season you call Christmas,” I began slowly. “The generosity, the beautiful traditions, the bringing together of loved ones - it inspired me. I saw how this holiday could brighten even the coldest darkness, bringing light where there was despair.”

I paused, old memories washing over me. Memories of a planet that had nearly forgotten hope, until visitors from afar reminded us it still existed.

“I wanted to share in that with humanity,” I continued. “To spread some small measure of the kindness and wonder you already embodied. Adding a touch of magic for the children seemed a fitting way.”

Noelle was quiet as she absorbed my words. Then she gifted me with a radiant smile. “That’s beautiful,” she breathed. “I think that’s what the spirit of Christmas is all about - bringing happiness to others. I’m glad we could share that with you.”