Page 10 of Alien Santa's Gift

As Noelle chattered on delightfully, I knew I had made the right choice. A true Christmas miracle was unfolding here, and I would not miss a moment more of it.


Noelle suggested we decorate her Christmas tree together. She had an artificial one already set up, but insisted on taking it down so we could decorate a real pine.

Out in the crisp morning air we tramped, axes in hand, searching for the perfect tree. Noelle looked adorable bundled in her puffy blue coat and mittens. Playfully, she lobbed snowballs at me until I abandoned my dignified Santa demeanor and gave chase. Her silvery laughter filled the silent forest.

At last we found our prize - a full, symmetrical fir glowing green amid the blanket of white. Together we trimmed its branches and hauled it home. The fresh piney scent filled Noelle’s living room.

As we draped lights and adorned each bough with ornaments, our hands often met and lingered. Noelle hummed carols while she worked, her cheeks prettily flushed from the chill and exertion. Watching her, I felt something foreign stirring within my ancient spirit. A rightness. A sense of belonging.

Could this be what the poets wrote of? Noelle was human, impossible for a Yulian like myself to take as a life partner. Yet her quick mind, kind heart and lovely form moved me profoundly. I found myself picturing a future at her side - forbidden fantasies I both savored and felt troubled by.

When the last bulb was hung, Noelle stepped back to admire our handiwork. In her distraction, I allowed myself to openly admire her graceful neck, her petite curves. Sensing my gaze, she turned suddenly. The air seemed to crackle between us.

Then Noelle smiled and handed me a cookie, breaking the spell. There would be time later to decipher these dizzying emotions. For now, I simply wanted to inhabit each joyous moment.

Chapter Five


Christmas afternoon arrived, and it was time for dinner at my parents’ house. Before we left, Xanther halted me.

“I should resume a more...humanlike appearance before meeting your family,” he explained.

With a shimmer, Xanther shapeshifted into a form that was still imposing but less alien. He shrank to a mere six and a half feet tall, his crimson skin warming to a rich tan. His wild white mane he neatly tied back.

I couldn’t help admiring his tall, muscular physique, which was no less stunning in this guise. But a pang of wistfulness struck me.

“You look very handsome,” I said. “But please know you don’t have to change for my sake.”

Xanther smiled tenderly and brushed a finger down my cheek. “Your acceptance touches me, Noelle. But I must maintain appearances before mortals.”

I nodded in understanding. Xanther would always have to conceal parts of himself from the wider world. But with me, he could be his true self. That knowledge warmed me inside.

“Shall we then?” Xanther gestured toward my waiting car, looking every inch a model in his trim burgundy sweater and jeans. He still stood head and shoulders above most men, but hopefully my family would not find him too alien.

Taking his hand, I led him to the car, our fingers entwining naturally. As we drove through the snowy streets, I stole glances at this astonishing being beside me, still hardly believing my good fortune. I hoped my family would welcome Xanther as warmly as I had on this magical Christmas Day.

On the way to my parents’, I explained we had to make a quick stop.

“It’s customary to bring a small gift when invited to someone’s home,” I told Xanther. “Usually wine or flowers.”

He nodded. “A thoughtful custom. I’m happy to join you in the store.”

Inside, I selected a fine pinot noir while Xanther examined the bouquets. I noticed several female shoppers eyeing him appreciatively. One seemed poised to approach when I acted on instinct and gently patted Xanther’s backside. He raised an amused eyebrow as the flustered woman hurried away.

“My apologies,” I laughed. “Just staking my claim.”

Xanther grinned and planted a tender kiss on the top of my head, sending butterflies swirling inside me. We selected an elegant poinsettia arrangement amid many admiring looks, which only made me prouder to be at this incredible being’s side.

At the register, the cashier was so distracted by Xanther that she nearly dropped the wine bottle twice. I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing out loud.

Finally, purchases in hand, we continued to my parents’ sprawling suburban home, lavishly bedecked with wreaths, garlands, and thousands of twinkling lights.

“I can’t wait for you to meet everyone,” I told Xanther excitedly. “They’re going to love you!”

Xanther smiled, though I sensed a touch of nervousness in his eyes. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as we made our way up the salted walkway to the welcoming golden glow of my childhood home.