Page 92 of Must Like Cats

“I thought it was just a fetish.”

“When the others take mates, locks are blooded, and they are woven into a braid by your mates, so they will always be with you. Biting is just for funzies.”

Estelle blinked. “Really?”

“Yeah, blood bonds don’t make much of an impact on them. The power burns them off almost immediately. The braid stays.”

“Burns them off?”

“Your correction will be extreme. But, yeah, looks like you will gain ten to twelve inches.” She shrugged. “This is what you were always supposed to be. I am just removing the blocks that the Stronghold installed and letting your body do what it was going to do until those pasty bastards wrecked us.”

Achilles said softly, “I have the image. You can stop now, Keres.”

Keres squeezed Estelle’s hands and then let her go. The projection remained around and above her, so Keres beckoned Estelle out so that she could turn and see what she should have been.

Estelle gasped when she saw the warrior in black with white swaths of hair hanging below her shoulders. Her eyes were fierce, and there was a twist to her lips. She had the look of perpetual amusement. She wore similar jewellery to what Keres had on.

Estelle smiled. “Oh, yeah. I want that. That looks like what I should see in a mirror. It feels very right.”

Keres glanced over at Ekhart, and he was looking at the projection with fixation and then glancing over to Estelle with lust.

“I am guessing that Ekhart has to discard some bedmates?”

Estelle nodded. “A few. He doesn’t want to cause issues for me and Tobin. He is being thorough in his dismissal.”

Keres nodded. “Good.”

Ford muttered, “I think we should finish business.”

Thera grinned. “Do I get to do voiceovers?”

“You most certainly do. Let’s go in, so we don’t have to watch Antonio beg.”

Dante put Tobin on the ground, and he took his mother’s hand, then carefully reached for Ekhart’s. The huge elf blinked and closed his fingers around his son’s. They walked toward one of the houses in the distance, where a woman stood with a baby on her hip. As they walked, Tobin was swung between them, and his shrieks echoed across the span.

Antonio looked at her and said, “So, on my knees, bowing or just verbally grovelling? How do you want me?”

She stared at him, and he grinned, his beast flashing behind his eyes.

He smirked. “Despite what Dell insinuates,Ialways offer choice.”

“You are fine with her. It is your fuzzy buddy that sticks to instinct, though her skin is looking very bright from all the licking.”

“Dude, what do you want from me? I want you to have HR that defends staff who have concerns or feel threatened. The workers are not just a resource of the company; they are the legs you stand on. Your department didn’t even defend the company; it just tried to hide a major mistake.”

“I will be engaging the neutral mediator and seeking parties that aren’t related to anyone in the company to manage things.”

“Focus on performance bonuses and staff retention. If stalking is indicated, have each party interviewed separately, so the aggressor can’t just say their target is shy.”

“If this is done, you will come back?”

“I will return in nine weeks. I need to finish a project I am working on, and then I can come back.”


“I am pregnant with twins. Not mine. Persephone’s.” She smiled. “I believe that was already mentioned.”

“How long do you need before you have trouble getting around?”