Page 42 of Must Like Cats


Than laughed, “Just a moment, Persephone.” He leaned to one side and buttoned the top of the shirt.

“Oh. Right.” Sure that nothing embarrassing was on display, she activated the video function, and there was the detective that she frequently worked with to protect and thwart people who wanted to drug folks at nightclubs. “Hey.” She waved at him with her free hand.

“Hey, Renner. Can you state your name for the record? Statement recording has commenced.”

“Persephone Renner. Personal assistant at the JN Foundation.”

“You were attacked today?”


“Can you give me details of the events as you recall them?”

“Oh. Sure. I entered the elevator wearing one of my standard business blouses that covers my hand past the wrist to the palm. That is important. I pressed my doctor’s floor, and he entered the elevator after. I asked him where he wanted to go, but he didn’t say much Just smiled.” She shivered and grimaced.

Than put his hand around her waist, and Armand lifted her feet and set them on his thighs. He rubbed her feet.

That was distracting, but it got her out of the panic she felt. “Right, so I checked in at the office, and I was brought into an exam room. The doctor left me to change, and when I was in the med gown and robe, the door started to open. The man from the elevator came in and grabbed for me, trying to pull me out of the door. He addressed me by name. I fought as hard as I could, and Dr. Oriel helped me. I dunno. Hands pulled me back, and I have learned to hit on one of my assignments with the JN Foundation. I have had unusual training, but everything is all blurred together.”

She sighed. “My people took pictures of my hands, but they have been fixed now. One of my guys is good at first aid.”

Than murmured in her ear, “We will forward it to him.”

The detective asked, “Who’s that?”

“Oh, he and I have met.”

In the small picture-in-picture, she saw Than’s eyes swirling black. Stornel blinked. “Ah. Right. You are one of Lady Fen’s grandchildren.”

“You have a sucky poker face, Dennis.” Than smiled.

The detective asked, “You know her history?”

“I do. We are going to get that barcode removed soon. Right after our grouping recovers from her heat.”

Owen and Mateo were returning. Owen walked up, and she saw his face behind her and Than on the phone. “Who is this?”

“Detective Stornel, Owen. Owen, Detective Stornel.”

Mateo leaned in, and Than tilted the camera. “Ah, detective. How nice to see you.”

Owen snickered. “He looks surprised.”

Than moved the phone and said, “And on relaxation duty, Armand Lewinthal.”

Armand grinned. “Hey.”

Than turned the phone back to Renner, and she snorted. “Well, now you have met the gang. They all arrived at the doctor’s office, but it was Mateo and Owen that saw the tail end of the attack.”

“Right. So, the foundation will confirm that you have had martial arts training?” Stornel nodded as he made notes.

“Sure. They have it in a video that I could send you. I took kickboxing with one of our foundation kids.” She smiled. “Of course, you knew that already from the casual work I have been doing in the clubs.”

He nodded. “Right. You look... I forget.”

Mateo said softly, “Our female omega requires dinner. She has had a trying day. I trust you got her retelling of events?”