Page 25 of Must Like Cats

Renner frowned and reached for the phone, but Thanatos grabbed her and held her close. “Let him do this. It’s important.”

“What? Is it an omega slap-fight?”

Mateo grinned. “Something like that. Ford and Owen are the only omega business owners in town. There is some competition.”

“Is this a male omega thing?”

“Didn’t you mention Andrea being hostile?”

“Yeah. She’s weird about omegas near her alphas.”

“Well, that is an omega, speaking with Owen about what Owen considers to behisomega.”

“Dude. He just met me.”

Mateo stroked her cheek. “And I felt his emotions roar through me in a way I haven’t felt since our first night together. If you are waiting for his approval, you have it.”

“Um. I am still not entirely on board with all of this.” Renner looked at him, Armand, and then up at Thanatos.

He looked down at her and smiled. “Persephone, you are now out in the open. You are also stunning and make us want to get closer. And when we find out who you are and what you have done in your life, we want to stay and keep you safe, warm, and cuddled.”

“I will settle for relaxed and productive.”

Armand grinned. “I can help you relax, Persephone?”

She winced and locked eyes with Thanatos. “Yeah. That’s me.”

“That’s... I never would have guessed Persephone.”

Mateo smiled. “I think it is pretty and suits your current position.”

She snorted. “Yeah, he made the connection last night while we were discussing his grandmother. She’s not a fan of mine. If he can’t have an omega, he should at least connect to money.”

“Well, you are going to be the gateway to a registered omega.” Mateo smiled. “That might improve her mood.”

She looked at where Owen was still bickering with Ford on the phone. “Gateway? Just how big is he?”

Mateo laughed. “I have never been on the receiving end, but above average, and he cums like a geyser. It’s messy.” He grinned. “But a lot of fun.”

She blushed.

Armand grinned. “I never thought I would see that. You blush adorably, Persephone.”

She winced. “You can stop using my name. I never do.”

Thanatos smiled and stroked her arms. “But we want to. It is a lovely name.”

“Yeah, but if you offer me a pomegranate, I am running for it.”

He grinned wide and leaned down to kiss her. It was strange as it was upside down, but she felt that wave of heat she had felt with Owen. What had that omega started?

Chapter Five

When they were gone with their cats, she went to the shelter and found some candidates to take over for the café crew.

Achilles sniffed her and purred strongly against her legs as the new cats were added to the roster and settled into the staging area. They would meet their first set of humans tomorrow.

Keelie smiled. “Wow. I think that was the most sudden turnover I have ever seen.”