Page 8 of Must Like Cats

“Lady Fen could find you someone prettier.”

Renner covered her mouth, but the laugh hit her hands. Both of them turned and looked at her. Ming saw her expression and grew mortified. “I am so sorry, lady.”

She said, “It’s fine. I was relaxing at home after a long day, and Thanatos showed up outside my door with no warning. I thought that this was all he deserved for the short notice.”

Ming blinked. “Oh. Uh. This way.”

Thanatos murmured, “You speak Mandarin?”

“And a bit of Cantonese. I have travelled.” She smiled.

They were shown to a table that was quiet and out of the way. Thanatos held her chair for her, and when she was settled, he was across from her, and they had their menus, she took pity on him.

She took her hair down from her ponytail and removed the illusion that she was wearing to make her look her worst. Her date looked at her with widening eyes. “That is interesting. Illusion on or off?”

“Off. Hair down, and that is the only physical difference.”

She opened the menu and got excited. “Ohh, dim sum.”

He smiled. “It’s not deep fried.”

“Some of it is.” She was excited. She loved it.

She snapped her menu shut and smiled at him.

He chuckled. “You are gorgeous, even with no makeup and in sweats.”

She shrugged. “I can make the sweats look like an evening gown if you like, but then I would be overdressed.”

“So, how do you do that?”

She shrugged. “One day, about a decade ago, I made a wish to keep myself safe. I needed skills, and I needed to hide. After that, I could do this.” She waved her fingers at her head.

“And you also have a male form?”

“Yes. That took me a while to get the hang of, but now, most folks don’t know it isn’t my brother Alfred Renner.”

Ming came by and stared. “What can I get for you, lady?”

She rattled off her order, and Ming blinked. “Of course. Hungry?”

“Very. I skipped lunch.”

Thanatos made his own order, and she noted that there were two vegetable dishes, and the rest was deep fried.

She smiled as Ming smiled and left them. “Why do I think that it’s not your usual order?”

He shrugged. “You are my guest; you should get everything you need.”

Their drinks came, and she popped her soda can, sipping it. “So, Thanatos, why are we here?”

“First, I wanted to tell you that we have all the supplies for the cats. Two sets. I have told her that she can bring Ursa over to play anytime.”

She smiled. “Good. Those babies need some dedicated love. If you ever need to travel and you can’t find a cat sitter, call me.”

“I think Thera will be willing to take care of Rigor.”

“Oh. Right.” She smiled. “Well, the offer still stands.”