Page 50 of Binding Fate

Alzerion shook his head, “You can be difficult.”

“It’s just—”

“Why don’t you sit and join us,” King Francisco motioned. Aironell breathed out and sat down in the armchair. He strolled over and sat on the armchair across from Aironell. They were separated by the fleur-de-lis table.

“I thought we were going to have to send you both to your rooms,” the queen laughed.

“I’m sorry,” Aironell tapped her fingers on her lap. She turned her gaze back on Alzerion, “I didn’t mean to sound harsh.”

“No apologies are necessary,” he gave a curt nod as his lips twisted into that crooked half smirk of his.

“Alzerion tends to be rather a riddle-master,” Queen Evalyn joked as she took a sip of tea.

“Quite true,” King Francisco beamed. “Sometimes it’s almost like a game of chess. Who can puzzle out the other first. He isn’t into sharing.”

Alzerion grabbed a fresh cup of tea from the table. He Craned his neck over the cup, and blew at the steam; slowly. He glanced at Aironell. Her eyes bulged a bit, but still had this steady sharpness. He swallowed another sip and wiped his mouth. “I prefer to keep things to myself. Once I know you better, I am more forthcoming.”

Aironell straightened in her seat. Her gaze softened. “Can I ask if you are well?”

“Quite well, but why do you ask?” Alzerion’s eyes pinched in. His foot lightly tapped on the floor.

“It has been some time since I saw you last. I remember that you were injured and were recovering.”

“Oh, that was a long time ago,” chuckled Alzerion. “I’ve long since healed.”

Her gaze flicked up as she crossed her arms. Her eyes narrowed. They looked like daggers waiting to slice. “That’s not funny. All I wanted to know was that you are keeping yourself safe.”

“I’m sorry,” Alzerion stopped laughing. He bit the inside of his cheek.Way to go, genius. “I’ve kept out of major trouble.”

“What do you mean by major trouble?” Aironell gazed down at the rose in her hand. She pressed her thumb and index finger together, with one of the petals firmly squeezed between them.

Alzerion ran his hands through his hair and leaned back in his chair.Should he answer all these questions? Why was she so interested in him?He opened his mouth to speak, but then closed it just as fast. He didn’t want to overwhelm her. Alzerion wrinkled his nose and scratched the side of his head. “I don’t know if anyone ever told you what my job entails.”

Aironell shook her head as her fingers danced across the rose petals.

“Well, let’s just say that I have a knack for getting into tough spots.”

Quairken coughed. “Sorry.” He nodded at Alzerion.

Alzerion slowly turned back to Aironell. “I was sent here as a child for a proper education. I wasn’t the easiest, I will admit.” He paused. Aironell made no move to say anything, so he continued. “So, I found myself receiving physical training, with the Royal Army.” Aironell was no longer fiddling with the rose, but rather her gaze shifted to him. He felt a warmth on his cheeks. He breathed out.

“There was talk about my being groomed to become the commander of the Royal Army. So, I studied, went to school, and trained as hard as I could. Things changed when you were born.”

"How so?” She tugged at hair as her fingers wrapped a lock around her index finger.

“There was such excitement when you were born. Your safety became our number one goal. I was tasked with keeping a close watch on you. It was my duty to protect you at all costs.”

Aironell nodded as she looked around the room. “I see. So, what you’re saying is that from time to time, you do deal with chaos that could land you in a sticky situation.”

“Exactly.” Alzerion shifted in his seat. He heard the king clear his throat. He almost forgot that they were not alone. Alzerion stood up and strolled behind the couch to gaze out the window. He heard the queen speak.

“Well, I don’t mean to ruin this wonderful moment, but it’s getting late. Why don’t we get some sleep?”

“That sounds like a good idea,” the king agreed. Alzerion turned around to face them.

“Of course,” Isabella bowed her head. “Come, Aironell, we will show you to your room.”

Aironell nodded and strode toward Isabella. She took one last glance around. “Goodnight.” King Francisco and Queen Evalyn strolled to Aironell.