Page 34 of Binding Fate

Alzerion looked deeply into both of their eyes and smiled. “When you agreed to listen about sending Isabella and Quairken away, to protect and raise Aironell.”

The king furrowed his brows. “Wait, what are you saying, exactly?”

“I’m saying that I disappeared to the only safe place I knew, a place that was too far for them to follow me. A place that nobody even suspected. I went to Isabella and Quairken’s house, where they nursed me back to health. Also, the necklace is in a safe place. I split it into its two parts and gave the one half to Aironell and I have the other half.”

Once he finished explaining, he saw their faces brighten. The look was soon replaced with one of joy, and both the king and queen exchanged curious glances.

“I know what you want to ask me,” Alzerion said matter-of-factly.

“Oh, well if you are so clever, why don’t you tell us?” the queen said playfully. Her hands folded across her chest.

“Alright, well I think you want to ask about Aironell and know how she is doing. You know details like that, ones that any concerned parent would want to know.”

“Well, it seems you know us only too well,” retorted the king.

“I’m not surprised at all,” added Queen Evalyn. “After all, we practically raised you since you were a child. I hope you know that we take great pride in the things that you do.”

“I have grown to understand that you care for me as a second child.”

“Well good,” the queen said sweetly. “Then you will understand why we were worried while you were gone.”

“Thank you for caring. I do understand, and I’m sorry I worried you.”

He glanced at the king and queen and smiled. He felt their warmth. He never wanted to hurt them.

“Aironell is a sweet child, by the way,” he quickly added.

The queen started to tear up.

“She helped nurse me back to health, as well. The princess is quite the little helper. She has such a kind heart. She is caring, sweet, and good-natured. You two would be so proud.”

“Oh Francisco, did you hear that?” the queen asked as she cried. “We have much to be grateful for. Maybe we can find some hope after all.”

“I know, dear, I heard. I’m glad that she is doing well, and I’m happy you got to spend some time with her, Alzerion. You were always close to her, and it was you who saved our little girl. She will someday know of your kindness.”

“Well, thank you, Your Majesty. It was nice to sit and talk with her. However, I’ve had a long day. If you don’t mind, I’m going to put my belongings away and relax, so if you need me, that’s where I’ll be.”

* * *

During the coming weeks, Alzerion got back into the swing of things in Bachusa, and he even eased the king and queen’s pain and helped them make decisions. Also, he met with Ulbrick and told him that he got injured training the Royal Army and stayed in the palace to heal. Even though he had to meet with Ulbrick more often than normal, he did not mind it so much anymore. It was his punishment for not telling Ulbrick of the injury. As far as they knew, Alzerion failed in stealing The Lost Hope.

On his most miserable days he clung to his piece of the necklace. It helped him to remember that sweet little girl who had the other half. A little girl who trusted him, no questions asked. All of his plans were to help save Aironell, and he hoped one day she would truly thank him.



lzerion took a stroll into town.Years, Alzerion thought. He couldn’t believe how the time flew, as if it were manipulated by the magical hands of fate. The army kept him busy. Trainings were tiring and long.At least things seem a bit more settled.The townspeople seemed different, changed. Less angry. He passed by the little tavern. He peered in the window at people laughing. Air smelled of day’s old stew mixed with the smells wafting from the market stalls. He exhaled. So much work. He rubbed his hand against the building as he walked. At least Ulbrick bothered him less.Thank the stars for that?He closed his eyes. He pictured Ulbrick huddled up in his house, scheming.His schemes, ugh. What would that bring?No. He couldn’t worry about that. All he did was worry, according to his mother. A woman. That was what she cared about, for him. He rolled his eyes.

Alzerion rolled his eyes as he opened them. He scanned the scene before him. Things did not seem as gloomy. He smirked. His mother would just have to understand. When it came to romance, he just … didn’t care. Only one girl mattered to him, and it was Aironell. Keeping her safe, no matter what. He continued his stroll as he heard a voice.


He turned around and thought,Really, can my luck be this bad?He gave a smile, though he knew what to expect in a conversation. How could he not? After all, what did his mother do best if not pester him about his life choices?

“Hello, Mother,” he said, kissing her cheeks. “What can I do for you?”

“I just want to talk,” she replied. “Isn’t it nice out here?”