She noticed his gaze pained. He was blinking less and then swallowed. Whoever it was, it clearly was tough for him to say.
“You can tell me. Are they part of the rebellion? If they have threatened you, I swear I will keep you safe.” Aironell reached out and patted his hand.
He looked down at her hand and then back at her. “It’s complicated.” He swallowed again. “We were friends and I wanted to keep his secret but I-I, I just can’t. You deserve the truth.”
Aironell felt her heart pounding beneath her necklace. “Warren, please.” She could hear the pleading in her voice. “I need to know who you are talking about. Who is untrustworthy?”
His face was solid, like stone. “Alzerion.”
Aironell felt her body tense. No, it couldn’t be true. She sat and shook her head. “That can’t be. He, I…it can’t be.”
“I’m sorry, princess. I’m not lying. I will tell you of his deeds.”
Aironell pulled her legs in to her chest. As Warren spoke, she felt like her world was crashing. Crashing into tiny pieces that would blow her away in the wind. Once Warren was done, all that was left was this numbness, which was better than the pain she felt at first. Alzerion was helping the leader of this rebellion. That was just the first blow. What hurt the most was the fact that Alzerion worked against her parents.
Warren stood up and turned to leave but then stopped. He circled back around. “There is one more thing.”
Aironell looked up with tears in her eyes.What more could there be? “What?” she was able to muster.
“Alzerion has always been covering his tracks. Spinning whatever truth he wanted. There is something I forgot to mention. I doubt he will tell you so I feel it is my duty.”
Aironell sniffled as she waited. There were no words to convey the depth of her disappointment and pain.
“He knows that the rebel leader, Ulbrick, wants you dead.”
Aironell gasped. Head down as she squeezed her legs. “I-I… thank you.” Her head was buzzing with this new information.
Alzerion ran all the way through town. He dodged stalls and people so he wouldn’t knock into anything. Once he was out of town and to the clearing of Majestic Park he saw Aironell sitting in their spot. The glimmer of hope vanished when he saw Warren walking away.Crap! He sprinted to meet Warren.
“What did you do?” Alzerion said between breaths.
“Relax, Alzerion,” Warren held up his hand. “I merely told her the truth.” He chuckled. Warren brushed against him as he left. “Good luck fixing this one.”
Alzerion spun around. Fists clenched, he thought about pummeling him.No. He wasn’t worth it. Alzerion focused on Aironell and walked toward her. When he was within arm’s reach, he stepped carefully.
He lowered himself to the ground, in a squatting position. He reached to wipe away a tear but Aironell pushed his hand away. Alzerion flinched. He lowered his head. He took a slow breath. He didn’t have time to think about his feelings, no. Aironell, she needed him. He bit his lower lip and then gazed back at her.
She covered her face with her hands. Once more he reached forward. This time he placed his hand on her back and began to rub in slow circles. She straightened up and stared at him. A stare might have been putting it kindly. No, she was glaring at him. If she conjured daggers he knew what his fate would be. She pushed her feet off the ground and slid farther away from him.
“Aironell, please. I don’t like seeing you so, upset.”
Aironell stood up and took a step closer. Then her foot shoved Alzerion’s leg. He fell backward. “Hey!”
He scrambled to his feet as she stormed away from him. “Aironell, stop.” He grabbed her arm and spun her around.
Her eyes were cold and hard. He pulled her in but she tried pulling away. “Aironell, please don’t fight me. I want to help.”
He held firm and her face reddened as she looked at him.
“Let…Go.” Alzerion didn’t budge.
Aironell’s hands soared up. “Vitis…laedo.” Alzerion heard a whooshing from above. He let go of her as he saw one of the weeping willow branches swing down and knock him over. He rubbed his back from the fall. Then he quickly got up as it smacked down again. It missed him. “Aironell, I’m sorry. Please call it off.”
“It’s a bit late for, sorry, don’t you think?” Even her voice was cold. It cut deep like a sword to his chest. She clapped her hands and the attacking branches, ceased.
He jogged over to her. “Can I explain?”