He tried to escape by using some of his magic, but he could not. Then a thought struck him.The rope keeps glowing light blue. Damn it! It was spelled to repel the use of magic and keep him bound and trapped. Grr.
Suddenly there was a rustling in the Blue Prince Holly bushes from behind. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen to him, but the noise grew louder. Hell, he couldn’t even see as he was stuck with only a front view of Ulbrick.
“Ah, Warren, so glad you could join us,” Ulbrick hissed.
Alzerion never heard that name before. He could not hear him. ThisWarrenmust be stealthy. Finally, he heard the crunch of leaves and the crack of small twigs. Then the blackness of boots crept into his view. He scanned Warren and noticed that he was also dressed in all black.It must be so that they can move about undetected.He locked eyes on him. He had a young face with grey eyes.Huh, he does not have that same cold and exacting gaze as Ulbrick.
Warren moved closer and knelt down over Alzerion, and he noticed that Warren couldn’t be more than a couple years older than him. He had hair just as black as the clothes he wore. What really caught Alzerion’s attention was his smile.
Why is he smiling? What is so funny to both of them that they should be smiling?Alzerion thought to himself.
None of this seemed funny, to him. Nothing made much sense to him, either. Within seconds, this Warren fellow had wrapped his firm arms around him and flung Alzerion over his right shoulder.
“Well done. Now, follow closely,” Ulbrick instructed.
Alzerion saw the palace fade from view as Warren followed Ulbrick back through the woods. He couldn’t see but he knew that they were headed through the wooded terrain, only to come out onto Matters Lane. They seemed to be traveling on all the least travelled paths, toward the main town. After what felt like forever of just gazing at dirt paths, trees, and dark skies; Alzerion finally saw cobble stones. They were in town. He tried to glance around but Warren tightened his grip like a python gripping its prey.
The best Alzerion could do was see the sides of him, which allowed him to see the tattered sign that read: Abandoned Alley. Finally, they stopped. He heard Ulbrick’s hoarse voice mutter something, and he heard the whoosh of a door opening. As the men walked through the door carrying Alzerion and Aironell, the door closed behind them.
Warren dropped Alzerion on a couch and then tended to the fire. Alzerion watched Ulbrick lay Aironell next to him and then clap his hands. He felt the confines that bound him, release. Then lights came on moments later and filtered throughout the little room. Alzerion twisted his wrists and looked around. There were papers tossed all over the place. Stacks of books of various titles just piled on surfaces. The light was warm and the heat that emanated from the wood stove made it feel somewhat inviting. There were pictures of landscapes on the walls and knitted pillows that adorned the couches. The couch he sat on had this softness to it, like it was worn from years of use. Alzerion couldn’t help but grin. He knew he would feel right at home, if not for the lingering uncertainty of Ulbrick and his plans.
“Ulbrick, I want some answers,” Alzerion broke the silence.
Warren looked between them and stood at attention by the wood stove, with the fire poker in hand.
Ulbrick gave Warren a wave and then sat down on the couch opposite the one where Alzerion sat. “Alzerion, what do you want to know?”
“What do you want? You don’t want the princess, yet you brought her here. Why are we here?”
“All in good time.”
“Well, who is that man?” He asked as he pointed at Warren. “What is his role in all of this?”
“I guess I owe you some answers.” Alzerion’s eyes narrowed as he watched Ulbrick cross his legs and fold his hands. He looked like someone who was calmly sitting to tell a good story.
“Warren, come closer.” Alzerion’s gaze shifted to Warren who stood inches away from him, still with that poker in hand.
“As you have heard, this is Warren. He will become a friend to you. He’ll help you whenever you need it, and he is basically my apprentice.”
“Nice to meet you,” Warren beamed. “I know you must be scared. But in truth, this place is not so bad. Working with Ulbrick isn’t so bad, either.”
Alzerion merely stared.How do I navigate through this?
“Warren, I don’t know you so I hope you don’t take offense, but I don’t know what things Ulbrick has told you but I have no intention of working with him,” Alzerion replied. “I know him. This is not the first time we have crossed paths, and I was hoping to avoid meeting again. Apparently, that was out of the question because here I am sitting in the same room with him.”
“Alzerion,” snapped Ulbrick, “you’re here to help us. We have an important mission, and we’ve made numerous plans. However, if we have your assistance, things will go much smoother.”
“Is this why you brought us here?” asked Alzerion.
“Well,” said Warren before Ulbrick could speak. “This is why he kidnapped the princess, to be more exact.”
As Warren said those words, Alzerion opened to speak but no words escaped.What is that supposed to mean?He glanced over at Aironell, then back up at Ulbrick, and he squeezed his eyes tight. He felt this coldness that gripped the very inner of his being.How did he not see it sooner?He started to gasp to catch his breath as he leaned forward a bit. He forced his eyes open and his gaze fell between Ulbrick and Warren. He noticed Warren was bent over laughing.
“What’s so funny?” snapped Alzerion who finally gained his words.
“You are,” Warren replied. “I’m sorry but I can’t help myself. You would laugh too if you could see your face. You look like you could catch a fish with your mouth.”
Alzerion crossed his arms over his chest and tapped his foot. As he sat there, he stared at Ulbrick with a glassy, steady look.