Page 81 of Binding Fate

Aironell looked aghast. “That’s ridiculous.”

“Sweetie, things tend to work very differently in this realm than the other realm where you grew up,” the king said. His gaze met hers. She saw pain.

Aironell took a breath and continued. “What happened?”

“Well, when our engagement ended her family did not take it well and they disowned her. She was left with nothing but the clothes she was wearing.” King Francisco said. His voice sounded a bit strained. “She and the man she loved fled, here.”

“Wait, you mean they live in Bachusa?”

Queen Evalyn nodded.

“I promised, no I vowed to protect them anyway I could.” King Francisco said. He licked his lips and straightened up. He looked to the queen.

Queen Evalyn spoke. “Your father sanctioned their marriage. None of her family attended, but his did.”

Aironell fixed her gaze on them. She didn’t want to ask any questions. She was still trying to piece together the story, like her life depended on it.

“They gave them some money, but it wasn’t what each was used to living with.” Queen Evalyn stood and paced around, gown billowing as she strode around.

There was a silence. It felt like a void that neither wanted to speak about.

Aironell went over to her father and touched his shoulder. He looked at her and shook his head. Aironell bit her cheek and then locked eyes with her mother, across the room. She had tears and then turned around.

“Father,” she pleaded. “What happened once they married.”

King Francisco pulled himself up. He stood like a statue, unmoving as he gazed down at her. He caressed her cheek, “My sweet darling daughter.” The king’s arms opened as he wrapped them around her and hugged her. Aironell could feel his heart racing, but the comfort of her father was nice. She opened her eyes when she heard the queen’s shoes clack against the floor. Her mother joined them. The mingling of lavender and sandalwood was soothing.

“They bought a modest house and within the year had a child.” King Francisco’s breathed out warm against her head. He pulled back and stared at her. Queen Evalyn circled around and stood next to him. “A child should have been a happy occasion, but I’m afraid to admit that was the decline.”

Aironell rubbed at her chin. “I don’t under—”

“Over the years, she confided in me that they fought, often. He was not the man she had fallen in love.” King Francisco breathed out. “He grew cold and distant and controlling.” His voice cracked. He cleared his throat.

“You still speak with her?”

“We do,” the queen’s lips parted. It was not quite a smile. “I would say we have a unique closeness with her.”

Aironell stepped back. “What am I missing? Why would you? If her life took a turn for the worse, why would she even want to be around, either of you?”

She saw them exchange glances. “I don’t mean to be cruel. I hope you know that?” Aironell added.

The king rubbed at the back of his neck. “Before you were born she came to me. We met frequently.” He reached out a hand to Aironell and she grabbed it. He escorted her back to the table and he sat down right next to her. Then he motioned to the queen who sat on the other side of her.

“Your mother and I felt like we couldn’t deny her, when she asked for a favor.”

“A favor?” Aironell fiddled with the end of one of her curls. “What kind of favor?”

“She was and is quite selfless.” Queen Evalyn spoke. “Her favor could have been for money or anything to better her life.”

“Money wasn’t what she wanted.” King Francisco spoke firmly. “The only thing she cared about was her child. So, she asked us to provide a better future for her child.”

“Aironell,” Queen Evalyn stared into her eyes with such intensity. “We didn’t have any children of our own, yet, and we knew we could help. So, we did just that. Your father and I gave her child a great education.”

Aironell felt like her heart stopped. She scanned the look on both of their faces. Both so solid in what they did. Why did their generosity make her feel odd, like there was still a piece she was missing? Wait. They gave her child an education. She went pale. She pressed against the ground, forcing her chair back, so she could see the both of them, at once.

“Who is her child?” Unsure if she wanted to know. She felt this lump in her throat. This chill came over her as she waited. Fingers dug into the wood of her chair.

King Francisco fixed his gaze on her. “Sweetheart, I think you already know. Youaremy daughter and your senses must be screaming that answer.